UPDATE: Feeling frustrated

This is an update, and maybe a little ask for advice. Sorry for the long post again.

To all those who replied and upvoted thank you.

Some of my colleagues have informed me that the company considers me as good as dismissed already and that the dates they proposed are just to buy time. I still find my situation a little cruel but I do understand that it’s life. So now I will be once again job-hunting.

I’m not sure if this will add significant context but I am a Filipino already living here in Japan (don’t worry I am very aware of the rules and legalities)

This just hurts because I have been out of work since April and this was the first actual offer. To be honest, I’m not sure whether to put this experience in my resume or not.

I had informed immigration and Hellowork that I found work but with this dismissal I’m not sure how or what to proceed.

So some stuff in question form:

1.) Should I write this place in my resume or job application forms? I think the experience here is genuinely good experience.


2.) How should I proceed from being jobless to getting a job to being jobless again here in Japan?

Thanks in advance!

OG Post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/teachinginjapan/comments/16byoor/feeling\_frustrated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/teachinginjapan/comments/16byoor/feeling_frustrated/)

  1. As far as I know the actual probation period is two weeks, regardless of what the contract says. Don’t sign anything at all going forward, no matter how much they pressure/threat you. Start recording their meetings with you and request whatever their point is in writing. Gather as much evidence as possible (audio, written etc). Look for a union, and regardless of the outcome start looking for another job. If you find better employment elsewhere then just give your two weeks. Otherwise just show up and get your paycheck until you find better employment. Having evidence and a union on your side will help you in case of wrongful termination.

    If I was in your position I’d also try to get the opinions of my workmates and do some soul-searching to check if any of the points they mentioned are valid or not, and try to improve as much as you can, not for them, but for yourself. Good luck!

  2. I work at Benesse BE studio. It isn’t great but it’s ok. They seem to have a lot of teachers from the Philippines. Have you tried them?

  3. > In mid-August I started working for this preschool/Eikawa and I started on a Wednesday. This school has a specific follows a specific Phonics system that also has hand gestures that can get more complicated as you get deeper into it.

    > the kids’ parents are complaining that the kids don’t like the new teacher(me) and I still haven’t perfected the hand gestures and routines. So I’m in a dangerous predicament for the probationary period. They will decide in 2 weeks whether to keep me or not…

    Sooo… is our TL;DR of this that some Filipino got fired by Peppy and they’re frustrated that it’s all a bit of a shit show (isn’t necessarily specific to them – the hand gestures are weird). Should they record this experience in their CV?

    Long story short, experience is experience. This could be a sign that eikaiwa’s not an industry that you wanna work in going forward so think about that.

    I’d keep it on the CV because (while it shows you were only there short-term), it also shows that you’ve gotten off your bum to do something. Shit situation but I think saying ‘I tried hard but working at a kids’ eikaiwa wasn’t the right fit… for whatever reason the kids just didn’t warm to me’ is better than a blank sheet of paper.

    Best wishes moving forward. Hope you find something soon!

    Remember again, this isn’t necessarily a reflection of your work ethics. The hand gestures are fucking weird and I dunno… I dare say that having kids ‘warm to you’ is pretty subjective. Particularly when you’re trying to focus on throwing weird hand gestures at them.

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