Itinerary Check – 18 days in April/May

Hi everyone, I’m visiting Japan with my boyfriend and I’m looking for advice!
This will be the fourth time for me and the first time for him. I’m looking for general advice on my travel itinerary. The precise dates are 24th of April to 11th of May. The trick part is some of it will take place during Golden Week. I already know people’s opinion on that, but we will not be changing the dates unfortunately.

*> Places I’ve already been to in the past :*
*Tokyo – Enoshima – Kamakura – Kawaguchiko – Nikko – Nagoya – Kanazawa – Takayama – Kyoto – Kyushu Island…*

*> I speak some Japanese, enough to have basic conversations, ask for directions, make reservations etc.*

*> Willing to replace Kamakura by something else, but I don’t know what*

*> Also ok to replace Osaka/Koyasan by something else but i’m clueless at this point*

Here’s my itinerary plan :

**24th of April – Arrival at Tokyo 14h**
\> Drop luggage at hotel (probably around Shinjuku)
\> Try to not sleep
\> Get some kaiten sushi at Shibuya (Uobei, i like this one) / no need for it to be time for lunch 😉
\> Walk around Shibuya/Shinjuku/some other neighborhood
\> sleep

**25th of April – Tokyo > Enoshima**
*planning a chill day to anticipate tiredness*
\> Visit Tokyo (Asakusa?) in the morning
\> leave for Enoshima in the afternoon, visit around, chill by the beach
\> sleep in Kamakura

**26th of April – Kamakura > Tokyo**
\> Do the Daibutsu Hiking Trail + Hasedera
\> see other things in Kamakura (*as I’ve already been there, I don’t really know where to go this time, open to any suggestions other than Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gÅ«)*
\> sleep in Tokyo

**27th of April – Tokyo (Golden Week starts)**
\> Chilling in Tokyo, discovering a cool neighborhood *(any suggestions?)*
\> It’s Saturday night and we want to go to an electro music party.
*I’ve looked into Koenji Cave? For now it’s too early to plan anything ahead, but if you know any nice club!*

**28th of April – Tokyo – Kawaguchiko**
\> Travel to a ryokan in Kawaguchiko
\> chill and take advantage of the place *(any ryokan tips?)*

**29th of April – Kawaguchiko**
\> Find a nice hike/walk to do around there *(any suggestions?)*
\> go back to the hotel and chill more

**30th of April – Kawaguchiko > Osaka**
\> Travel to Osaka
\> Discover Osaka by walking around
\> sleep in Osaka

**1st of May – Osaka > Koyasan**
\> Leave luggage in Osaka
\> Travel to Koyasan and do the hike
\> Sleep near/in Koyasan?

**2nd of May – Koyasan > Kyoto**
\> Go back to Osaka to get luggage and travel to Kyoto
\> Settle there and walk around the city
**3rd of May to 7th of May – Kyoto**
\> While it’s still Golden Week : take our time, maybe go see Gion even if it’s packed
\> After that : Torokko Sagano train, Fushimi Inari by night (!), Kibune

*I read on this subreddit about a restaurant (or bar i can’t remember exactly) where maikos/geisha could be seen. You only had to have a reservation at the restaurant and you could maybe see them around. Does it ring a bell to anyone?*

**8th of May – Kyoto > Hiroshima**
\> Travel to Hiroshima
\> visit the Peace Museum in the morning
\> visit Miyajima in the afternoon
\> sleep in Miyajima

**9th of May – Miyajima > Tokyo**
\> Big travel day to go back to Tokyo
\> Maybe see friends in Tokyo at night

**10th of May – Tokyo**
\> Tokyo shopping spree (*FOOD mostly, any cool supermarket/hypermarket to go to?*)
\> Bar at night?

**11th of May – Departure at 10h40 in the morning**


Thanks for reading and maybe for your help !

1 comment
  1. You may want to replace Koyasan with Nara. A one-day sightseeing itinerary in Nara, Japan could include:

    1. Nara Park: Start your day by exploring Nara Park, famous for its friendly deer population. You can feed and interact with these deer while enjoying the beautiful park surroundings.

    2. Todai-ji Temple: Visit Todai-ji Temple, home to the Great Buddha Hall (Daibutsuden), which houses the world’s largest bronze statue of Buddha. Don’t forget to explore the surrounding temple grounds and gardens.

    3. Kasuga Taisha Shrine: Head to Kasuga Taisha Shrine known for its enchanting lantern-lined pathways and beautiful architecture. It’s a serene and spiritual place to visit.

    4. Nara Koen Park: Enjoy a leisurely stroll through Nara Koen Park, which contains several smaller temples and is often less crowded than Nara Park.

    5. Isuien Garden: Take a peaceful break at Isuien Garden, a traditional Japanese garden with picturesque ponds, bridges, and seasonal flora.

    6. Naramachi: Explore the historic Naramachi district with its well-preserved traditional merchant houses, shops, and cafes. It’s a charming area to experience local culture.

    7. Enjoy Local Cuisine: Savor local Nara dishes, including kakinoha sushi (sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves) and other regional specialties.

    8. Yoshikien Garden: If time allows, visit Yoshikien Garden, another beautiful Japanese garden with three styles: pond, tea ceremony, and moss.

    Remember to check the opening hours and any seasonal events happening at these attractions to make the most of your one-day visit.

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