Social Residences around Hosei University (Ichigaya Campus) and monthly planning

Hello everyone,

I will be conducting research at Hosei University (Ichigaya Campus – NW of Chiyoda City) in January for roughly 3 months and was wondering if there were any social residences around in that area. Unfortunately, I have to find my own accommodations and was worried that I might get lonely so I was thinking about social residences or Share houses.

I’ve looked into Oakhouse social residences and most of them are roughly between 1hr – 1hr 30 min commutes each way (I’ll need to head into the city every weekday morning). Do most people in Japan typically spend this long with their morning work/school commutes? If anyone has stayed in an Oakhouse social residence, please tell me about your experience as well!

(Currently heavily leaning towards a place around Yomiuri Land since it has a private shower and restroom within the room. Transportation would be either Shinjuku Line or Odakyu Line into the city)

I was also wondering if 50-80k yen a month on food / entertainment / exploring was enough for budgeting.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate any advice/tips given!

1 comment
  1. Hosei is located in the neighborhood of Fujimi. It is a historical part of Bancho and one of the, if not *the*, most exclusive residential area in Tokyo. Not a place to look for “social residences”.

    There’s apparently a share house not too far from Hanzomon (maybe 20 mins on foot to the South), for 70k. You won’t find much in Chiyoda ward itself, you should look across the moats and into Shinjuku or Bunkyo. Iidabashi and Kagurazaka, a tiny bit to the North, is probably where you’ll find a sizeable student population (maybe not share houses). There are a couple share houses around Ochanomizu, south of the Hongo campus of Todai.

    EDIT : and all of that would be under 30 mins from Hosei.

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