Is this safe for sushi, or a no-go?

I have never made my own sushi before but have been interested in trying to do so for years. This sub finally convinced me to try, but I obviously want to do so as safely as I can.

My question is, would this Salmon be okay to use for sushi?(I have not bought any yet, figured I’d ask first) This is from a wholesale club, basically a CostCo. The label says it’s farm raised from Chile which from reading on here farm raised is what you want for Salmon.

Would this Salmon be safe to use for sushi?Thank you in advance for your advice and a big thank you for making me want to eat sushi pretty much all day everyday now because of all the delicious looking pictures I see on here!

  1. For some reason I can’t edit my post so I’ll add here. I realize you can’t smell a picture or anything so I understand you can’t answer exactly. I’m more asking the question based on the information provided on the label.

    Info on label being:
    A) Farm raised
    B) Product of Chile
    C) it doesn’t specify that it was frozen or at what temperature (I don’t think I’ve ever seen fish specify what temp it’s been frozen at but I’ve never paid that much attention)

    I can’t smell the fish through the plastic but, believe me, if I COULD, I wouldn’t even buy it to feed my chickens, much less to make sushi.

    My location is NE FL, if you have any suggestions of places to obtain good quality sushi grade fish.

  2. This ‘should’ be safe based on what are normally accepted guidelines. Also bjs is usually known for their good products and sourcing/item care I.E., not leaving stuff out of freezer.

    If this were to pass the smell test I would use it for sushi. Although this particular package doesn’t appeal to me and I’d choose another better looking one.

    Good luck!

  3. Not all farm raised fish is the same. There have been numerous quality issues with the fish raised in Chile.

    If you freeze, make sure it’s at a temperature that is cold enough. Normal freezers are not cold enough.

  4. My family has been working with fish for decades, and it might be that my standards are way too high but this doesn’t look appetizing to me. I honestly wouldn’t.

    Edit: It baffles me how many of you can’t see what’s wrong with this fish. The coloring, that nasty foul liquid, it’s off-putting. This is not sushi-grade. I’m worried about what you put in your stomachs.

  5. Put a heavy amount of salt on it and leave it there for 20 mins and than wash it off and ur good

  6. I don’t wanna sound like a dick, which is always the way people who sound like dicks start a sentence, but how many of these posts are we gonna get?

    No offense OP but the information you’re looking for is easily found on the Internet or this sub.

    Salt lightly, freeze for a minimum of 24 hours (I know shorter is possible but to be safe I like 24) and then you’re good to go.

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