Cheap Soya chunks/meat options

Is there any cheap option available to get soya chunks in Japan?

I checked everywhere online the rates are too damn high. I thought it must cheap in Japan as japan consumes a lot of soya based products but apparently not. It is also called soya meat.

  1. What do you consider cheap?

    大豆ミート is not all that popular, but you can get a kilo of dried soy meat for around ¥1500 on Rakuten

  2. Nope. Tofu, tofu variants, and maaaybe frozen tempeh if you get lucky at a Gyomu Super. But even that isn’t cheaper than meat.

    Veganism is a vanishingly small fad here.

  3. Not sure what you consider expensive, but if you check the tofu section of the supermarket there are plenty of options. I often add plain old aburaage and atsuage to dishes like fajitas, curry, stir fries, etc. And these days there are soy meats that more closely resemble animal meat, like Toffu Protein and Beyond Tofu Kalbi.

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