Will shinkansen price also increase in October 2023?

Hello, I live in Japan. I have a plan to travel to Kyoto by shinkansen for Autumn. Can anyone tell me how to buy shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka/Kyoto? Will the price increase together with JR Pass price hike from 1st October 2023?
Appreciate any help.

  1. Nothing have been announced. And if anything, I would expect any price change to be announced at the same time as schedule revision, that is actually in March.

  2. Download EX App, put your suica / pasmo / icoca / whatever you use number in along with a payment method. You can buy your ticket on the app and the app can be in English

  3. They announced the price will be increased if buying with SmartEx, starting from 30/9.

    e.g. Tokyo to Hiroshima (Before) 19,240円 => (After) 19,560円

  4. Coincidentally, I spoke with someone at JR a few weeks back about that very question:

    The rail pass price is increasing as it’s never been changed, even for inflation. Regular ticket prices, however, have changed/been adjusted for inflation over that same period.

    So the rail pass price increase is a standalone increase.

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