Japanese Learning Goals and Plan

I have just completed the Kumon foreigner correspondence course and have been going through the JLPT N2 study books at a steady pace. I am pretty much completely focused on the JLPT study and will be for the next several months but I just laid out my general goals and next steps (took the novel list from another poster here so I don’t forget): (Formatting on Reddit fail)

**1) Pass JLPT N2**

Complete Somatome Listening

Complete Unicom Reading

Complete Somatome Grammar

Complete Try! Grammar Videos

Complete 500 Qs book at least once (so far doing very well on Kanji, very poor on vocab, 50/50 on grammar)

Complete Somatome Vocabulary book (due to #5)

Continue doing NHK Easy news

**2) Pass JLPT N1**

Complete Unicom Listening

Complete Unicom Reading

Complete Somatome or Unicom Grammar

Complete Try! Grammar Videos

Complete Somatome Vocabulary

Complete Somatome Kanji

Complete 500 Qs book at least once

Continue doing NHK Easy news

**3) Ramp up speaking**

Hellotalk; target speaking from at least 30 minutes per day

Join local government classes/lessons

Lots of listening – slice of life, anime movies or TV subtitles through Anki. May need to just go full speed at some point, without Anki?

4) **Sustain continuous reading, target one book per month.**

Manga: Start/finish what I have around the house

Novels: [https://jpdb.io/novel-difficulty-list](https://jpdb.io/novel-difficulty-list) and [https://learnnatively.com/](https://learnnatively.com/)

1. 魔女の宅急便
2. kadokawa bunko (books with furigana)
3. 不思議駄菓子屋銭天堂
4. コンビニ人間
5. スリ
6. 銀河鉄道の夜


1. Is there anything insufficient or overdone in terms of JLPT study for someone who has taken the N2 or N1?
2. How to ~~start~~ ramp up speaking to \~fluent level? Been wondering this for years…
3. Are there any other recommended goals to target or general language sustaining / improving habits after completing JLPT N1?

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