Inhaler in Japan?

I recently found out through research that Japan can be strict with bringing medications (I know I’m late to the game, but I didn’t even think about it until about a week before my trip). I know US OTC medications like pseudoephedrine are definitely banned (which sucks because I have terrible allergies and that’s often the only thing that helps me).

I use an albuterol sulfate inhaler for asthma and I’ve been trying to figure out if that is a banned/ controlled substance in Japan. I didn’t see anything in the FAQ here. And google results are unclear. I’ve read the ministry of healths FAQ page but didn’t see anything regarding albuterol.

Because I’m leaving in a few days, I don’t have time to fill out the request form for the ministry of health (everything I’ve read says two weeks before). The prescription is for a 3 month dose which I know is more than the allowed 1 month. Should I try to bring my inhaler/ would I have any issues with customs? Or should I just leave it at home and hope I don’t need it? Not being able to bring/ take pseudoephedrine for allergies makes me worried it will cause my asthma to flare up.

Appreciate any advice! Definitely will be looking up medication laws for all future travels – this was never something I’ve dealt with in my past travels.

  1. I also use an inhaler! From what I’ve read, it isn’t an illegal medication so bringing up to 1 months supply is allowed. If you need to bring more, you’ll need to fill out a form.

  2. You can bring one inhaler (Ventolin etc) per person without permission.

    Although you cannot bring pseudoephedrine-based cold and flu medication in to Japan, it’s actually freely available from pharmacies in Japan. As a result, if you need some, you can purchase it for use while in Japan.

  3. Just checked into my hotel. I have a Albuterol Sulfate inhaler and the preventative inhaler that’s a generic of symbicort. I didn’t have any issues bringing one of each in today.

  4. I flew in to Japan today with the same inhaler without any issues. When I researched beforehand it seemed fine, but didn’t search deep enough to be 100% sure

  5. Been to Japan 14 or 15 times. I always bring inhalers, generally a few just in case. I’ve never had an issue. Never been stopped or searched entering the country either, and only once was I asked any questions (which was just “why are you visiting Japan?”)

  6. I literally had this issue just this week. After calling the Japanese embassy, they gave me an email address.


    I told them it was an inhaler using Salbutamol. They replied a few hours later:


    Dear Jeff,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    – About Salbutamol

    You can bring it in up to 1 month’s supply without any procedures.

    Please check the following URL for details about bringing medicines or medical devices into Japan;

    Best regards,

    Section of Medical Inspection and Guidance, Kinki Regional Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare

    e-mail: [](

    I would email and ask. But you should be ok.

  7. I’ve been to Japan 5 times with a Ventolin and Seretide inhaler each time. I’ve never been any problems. I always have a letter from my doctor just in case but I’ve never had to use it

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