A highly ambitious 28-day around-the-country itinerary. It’s pretty tightly packed, so I’m hoping it’s doable, and hoping to get some feedback and thoughts on it.

Hey guys, this is a big itinerary I got here. Essentially I’m wanting to see a lot more of Japan than my previous 2 trips in the “Big 3” cities. But it’s a very ambitious itinerary, and I want to make sure it’s doable. As well as getting feedback and possibly tips for this long trip.

The plan is to take the Shinkansen to different main areas and then rent a car to get to the harder-to-reach areas to save time on taking potentially limited busses. This also might be good overall reference in the future for anyone else wanting to travel around the entire country minus Hokkaido because the travel times are just too long. But I’m going to be driving around a lot to some rural areas, so any expertise, experience, or insight would be appreciated.

Main reason I’m going is for photos. I’m collecting photos of Japan, essentially. So I’m hitting up a lot of scenic spots.

Checking the sunset and sunrise times for November, it looks like the sun sets pretty darn early. So I’m probably going to be departing super early every morning to squeeze in the most I can while it’s still light out.

* Oct 21st to Oct 30th (Days 1 to 10): Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, the standard. I’m going to be showing my parents around for the first 7 days so it’s all the typical touristy stuff, and it’s also why this trip is starting in Tokyo instead of on either end of the country, which would make way more sense.

* Oct 31st (Day 11): Here’s where things start to get busy. I take a JR from Tokyo to Kimitsu, Chiba. Arrive before 8pm to rent a car. Stay overnight. Get up around 5am to drive to Nachi Falls for epic sunrise photo. Gonna be driving an area that I’m not used to in the dark… ambitious… but should be fine?

* Nov 1 (Day 12). Nachi Falls in the morning, Explore a bit of Chiba before taking an afternoon JR all the way up to Towada in Aomori Pref. 2pm train should get me to Towada by roughly 8pm. Staying overnight in the town of Towada next to the bus station.

* Nov 2 (Day 13). Take first bus to Ichigedo Rest Stop in Oirase Gorge. (If anyone has experience with this, is this the best way to get to Oirase Gorge? Should I stay in Aomori instead?) First bus should be 7:54am. Arrive at the rest stop at 10:19am. Hike down to Towada Lake, I’m estimating a leisurely 2-3 hour hike, and take the bus back either to Hachinohe Station or Aomori Station from Ninokuni Station at Towada Lake (Again, if anyone has experience with this, which is the better route to take?) to take JR To Sendai, then transfer to Yamagata, and stay in Yamagata.

Question: I would really prefer to not have my luggage with me when doing this hike. How reliable are luggage delivery services? I’m thinking I can pay minimal 1-day clothing in my camera bag and send the rest of my luggage to Yamagata. The other option is to use coin lockers, but I’m unsure if the best route back from Lake Towada is going through the town of Towada again.

* Nov 3 (Day 14) Rent a car in Yamagata, and get an expressway pass, to hit up Ginzan Onsen Area, Sekiyama Waterfall, and Rissyakuji Temple. I want to also try to drive out to Mt Haguro, but it’s quite a ways out there and I’m not sure if there’s time. Thoughts? Cause I also want to end the trip circling towards Zao Fox Village, Watari Train Station and Akiu Great Waterfall before coming back to Yamagata for the night.

* Nov 4 (Day 15) Thinking maybe I’ll move Zao Fox Village to this day, since I’ll be driving down through Fukushima, hitting up Sazae Temple, Tadama River Bridge Viewpoint, Ouchi-Juku, and then end the day in Nikko. Hoping to see some nice countrysides along the way.

* Nov 5 (Day 16) Gonna be driving around Nikko. Kirifuri Falls, Nikko Toshogu, Urami Falls, Driving down Irohazaka, Initial D Style, Kegon Falls, Ryuzu Falls, and Yudaki Falls.

* Nov 6 (Day 17). Drop off car in Nikko. JR to Matsumoto (Just Southwest of Nagano), see Matsumoto Castle, explore a bit of Matsumoto. Maybe try to hit up some restaurants in Nagano. (Sasa’s, the soba restaurant run by the dad of one of my favourite Terrace House members is in Nagano now).

* Nov 7 (Day 18) Pick up yet another car in Matsumoto. This one’s a bit tricky. Cause I want to hit up Togakushi Shrine just north of Nagano (2 Hours Northeast of Matsumoto), Shirakawa-Go which is nearly 3 hours drive Westward from Matsumoto, Narai-Juku, which is about an hours drive Southwest from Matsumoto, but then also want to hit up Tsumago-Juku which is another hour Southwest from Narai-Juku… Not sure how to arrange this itinerary. Any tips, suggestions, or ideas? Is this too crazy? https://maps.app.goo.gl/BVE1BfyzsQ17okTr9

* Nov 8 (Day 19) Travel day. Return the car in Matsumoto, then JR to Fujiyoshida. Take some photos of that famous street in Fujiyoshida with Mt Fuji in the background, and check out Chureito Pagoda if there’s time. I feel like this day might have a lot of spare time… Not sure what to fill it with, but there’s always something neat to look at, I’m sure.

Option: I keep the car from Matsumoto and drop it off in Fujiyoshia instead, so I can hit up Narai-Juku along the way instead. But then I’m incurring another different drop-off location fee, and those are not light at all. But maybe the drive would reward me with some nice countryside views of Mt Fuji..? Thoughts?

* Nov 9 (Day 20). Rent yet another car to drive around this area. Drive around Lake Kawaguchi, check out the Mt. Fuji viewing platform north of Kawaguchi. Check out Saiko Iyashi-no-Sato Nenba, Hagoromo Shiraito Falls, and possibly Hakone Shrine.

* Nov 10 (Day 21). JR to Nagoya. Possibly stop at some places along the way that I missed on Day 20 along the way. Honestly, not doing much in Nagoya. I’m really only stopping here because Nagoya is the only place I’ve managed to source any amatuer models in Japan so far. So if anyone knows any blacksmiths or amatuer models in Tokyo or any of the other many places I’m stopping by, please please please, I would love an introduction. But worst comes to worst, this is a good rest day.

* Nov 11 (Day 22). One of the worst days imo, but hopefully it’ll be worth it. Early morning 8:02am Nanki Train to Nachi Falls. Arrives at 12:49pm. Sight-see and take some photos until 2:30-3pm-ish where I’ll hop on busses and JR back to Osaka. Arrive in Osaka at 8-9pm. Enjoy some of that great Osaka Night Life and call it a night.I spend so much of this day on a train that I’m not entirely looking forward to it, but I really want to see the Nachi Waterfall.

Question: Navitime says the first leg of the Nanki train isn’t covered by the JR Pass. But the second half of the train on the same line is covered by the JR Pass.. So… is it covered by the JR Pass?

* Nov 12 (Day 23). Today we’re JRing to Hiroshima! If I can get out early enough, I’m going to try for stops at Himeji Castle in Himeji (1 hr from Osaka), Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter in Okayama (1.5 Hrs from Himeji), and would really like to check out Takaya Shrine in Kagawa if possible (Google is not giving me times on this for some reason), but I’m thinking that might be too ambitious to reach Hiroshima at a reasonable time. Thoughts?

* Nov 13 (Day 24). Morning I’ll check out the A-bomb dome, some a-bomb museum stuff. I have minimal sights scouted out for Hiroshima, so suggestions are appreciated. But I am thinking of heading to Miyajima Island around 3-4pm to photograph the Itsukushima Jinja at sunset. I realize it’s probably going to be busy as all heck, but I’ve determined that staying at a Ryokan there to catch it at sunrise is just way too expensive. Plus I have a tattoo so I’d have to find a Ryokan that’s okay with that too. Plus sunset is west facing, which i’m hoping will be better for pictures.

* Nov 14 (Day 25). Early morning, do anything I missed in Hiroshima City the day prior before JRing to Fukuoka. Potential stops at Ruriko-Ji just north of Hofu, then Hinoyama Park in Shimonoseki (Is this worth seeing in mid November? Or will the flowers be dead?) and maybe Kawachi Wisteria Garden if they’re open again by then. Anyone know what’s going on there? There is a sumo tournament happening Fukuoka around this time, so I would love to check that out in Fukuoka if there’s time. But also recommendations for cool sights in Fukuoka would be great. So far I have the Gundam and Nakasu Yatai Yokocho. Though that might be enough…

* Nov 15 (Day 26). This is going to be one heck of a day. It’s the first half of my Kyushu Roadtrip. I’m looking forward to it as much as I’m not. Need to grab an expressway pass. Rent a car at 8am, or tbh, maybe I’ll grab the car the night before so I can leave before sunrise. First stop is Sakuradaki Waterfall. Then Higashishiiyano Falls. Nabegataki Falls. Then that weird mound thingy on Mt. Aso, Then Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine. Then Harajiri Falls. Then Yatogi Falls. A random Totoro Bus Stop outside of Kirishima Kinkowan National Park. Then end the long journey in Kanoya. Google says it’s 11.5 hrs of driving, 664km, with out traffic and stopping to hike and take photos. https://maps.app.goo.gl/wBRHRQF4HE9JKWmC9 Is this one even possible? Is this too ambitious?

Option: I might be able to shave some time to Komezuka mound thingy to day 2 of the Kyushu leg. Thoughts?

* Nov 16 (Day 27). Yesterday we went down Kyushu, now we go back up. Start off at Ogawa Falls to the south, then we loop north to Ryumon Falls. Inukai Falls. Maruo Falls. Kirishima Jingu, Senriga Falls (The last 3 are very close together). Then to Sogi Falls, and a long 2hrs drive up to Shiraitono Falls and then a 3 hour drive into Nagasaki for the night. Google is saying 10 hours driving with no stops over 592km. I feel tired just thinking about it. Again, possible? https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZPvZCyMyp4U41FBZ9

Option: Shiraitono Falls is just outisde of Kumamoto, which I can then ferry across the Ariake Sea into Nagasaki, which I’m thinking may save me some time, but Google is saying otherwise. Might have something to do with ferry timetables, but at least I could rest while waiting for the ferry, maybe?

* Nov 17 (Day 28) Some sights around Nagasaki I would love to see like the stairs near the church, and Chinatown in Hamamachi. Does anyone know where the temple is that has a gate that just overlooks the city? Having trouble finding that one. And if there’s time, the a-bomb museum. But that all has to be in the morning because we’re driving out again! First stop is this place that I can’t find the english name for: 滝の観音. Then Konoha Ukabazu Buchi Waterfall, then Yutoku Inari Shrine, and then finishing off at Kiyomizu Waterfalls before we head back to Fukuoka. This day is much more reasonable than the last few, with total driving time being 3 hrs 40 minutes without stopping. I’m guessing I can do evening stuff in Fukuoka.

Then next day I’m off to Taiwan!

Okay, so. Thoughts? Is this too ambitious? Any tips and feedback would be great.

1 comment
  1. This is a lot. Maybe break it up into 3 parts and put it in different threads?

    Some images that show your planned routes would be nice too. Maybe less text and more just city and attractions you want to visit from that city.

    One thing I did was plot out all the cities and out of the way sights I wanted to visit on a map (google maps) and see if there were any that were wayyyy out of the way and remove those.

    In theory I think you could do everything west from tokyo to kyushu in 28 days, but I don’t think going to yamagata is reasonable.

    how energetic of a person are you? I’ve done 3-5 hours of driving to go see stuff before, I usually only see a couple of things before I get tired. I would also rather fully explore a place of interest rather than seeing it for half an hour then going to the next.

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