Thoughts on “GENKI Conjugation Cards” app?

Hi everyone, I’ve been learning Japanese for 3 months now and my biggest flaw is overall grammar/conjugation, I’d like to learn conjugation for good so I can continue with my journey without having to look up what a verb truly means each time. I realized that they were not a lot of conjugation app on the play store and only found this one that seemed good. Has anyone tried it? Is it good? My goal is just to learn conjugation so I don’t care if there is no dictionary inside or other non-related stuff.

I already tried watching videos (Cure Dolly mainly) and reading article online (Linguodeer, etc…) on japanese conjugation but it’s always a lot of information to remember which is a bit overwhelming, I’d rather just “brute force” it even if in the end it ends up taking a bit more time than it should.

1 comment
  1. This might seem low-tech but instead of an app, what I did was make a notepad file with all the conjugations with all the types of words in it (it was kind of a long file) and practice from that file, like maybe once a day for a few min.

    What’s great about it is you can scroll to any part of the file you feel weak on, and practice that.

    Lately I force myself to conjugate causative passive once a day because, it got confused in my brain. The reason is, there are two causative-passive conjugation patterns and I started to merge them into a nonsense pattern, so I had to force myself out of that habit.

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