Inkasso office in Japan

Hey everyone! I never went to japan till now and have absolutely no idea of japan and there comes my question:

is there any “inkasso office” in Japan like in Switzerland?

I don’t know whats the english name for it.. i have someone which won’t give me my money back here in Switzerland and he is living normally in Japan and came back to make some money and didn’t told me anything about it and now he goes away again in some days. I heard he got a new job and thats why he is leaving again.

Is there any possibility that i can mandate someone over there taking my money back or at least the half? Or someone who goes there and speak with his new work place? Don’t want to hurt that guy physically just to be clear. Or some has any other idea?

Because i’ll try to pass in his parents house tomorrow and if i can say him something that makes him think twice if he should give me back now or risk any trouble with a such kind of office that would be great!

1 comment
  1. Incasso would be a debt-collector / debt collecting agency.

    I doubt they would do this for a civillian (so not a company, with a full legal team) from a different part of the world (where laws and regulations are different) and if they do it it will not be cheap.

    Also, dis you just give the money or is there actual paperwork and signed loan contracts? Because you’ll first have to prove the fact that you borrowed money to this person.

    Anyways, I found a hit on google, if you manage to get paid back, pay me some money for the effort will you 🙂

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