Can you do Remote Work with an Intra-Company Transferee Visa?

I know, this is the billionth ‘remote work’ question. However, I couldn’t find anything specific to this situation.

I’m based in the US, and my company has branches/offices all over the world. They even have a branch in Japan. My question is, would I be able to work for my company remotely in Japan, while receiving the same US Wages and such, or would I have to actually transfer and get a new position at the Japan branch, and re-sign a new employer contract to be eligible for the Intra-Company Transferee visa?

  1. The specific conditions of your employment are between you and your employer.

    Have a look at the requirements here (specifically “Documents to be submitted” 5 & 6):

    Just keep in mind that you if you’re in Japan and working you’re subjected to Japanese regulations and owe Japanese taxes. That includes mandatory health insurance and pension contributions.

  2. For the intra-company transferee visa, you would need to become an employee of the Japanese branch of the company. Basically signing a new contract, being paid here in JPY, paying taxes, healthcare, and pension here.

    However, as it’s a global company, there would be absolutely no problem if most of your duties involve collaborating with your foreign colleagues.

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