are in the 新完全マスター’s vocabulary book all the words I have to know for the JLPT exam?

I just finished the vocabulary book (N3) of the series 新完全マスター and I was wondering if now I’m done with the vocabulary study for the JLPT N3 exam.

I’m not talking about the quality of the book (it doesn’t exaplain in a good way every word), but does it SHOWS every single word you have to know? or are there more words somewhere that i need to know not included in the book?

  1. There is no official list of the words that will be included on the JLPT exams. The shin kanzen series (and other review books) make their lists based on previous tests and I’m assuming some method that I don’t know. That means that if you know all of the words in the review book you can be reasonably certain you’ll be good on the vocabulary portion, but there is no guarentee.

  2. It’s a non-answer, but here’s some food for thought. How do you do with 読解?

    新完全マスター’s own N3 読解 uses kanji and vocabulary listed by dictionaries as N2 or N1 regularly, on just about every passage I flip to, and the most they’ll do for a majority of those things is put furigana on it. Knowledge of the N2/N1 vocabulary they used on N3 material is almost entirely the responsibility of the learner. If you’re lucky, they’ll give you a word they deem hard enough to demand an actual definition.

    If the official N3 exam is anything like that, then I’d guess the answer is no. Personally, I’d want to over-prepare.

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