Those who did a postdoc in Japan, what was the process to getting a postdoc like?

Did you go from doing a PhD in Japan to doing a postdoc?

What was the application process like? And where/how did you find postdoc positions?

  1. Anecdotal.

    Seems like many just continue on from their PhD.

    Otherwise, just email a professor that does research that you like and ask.

  2. Around me most people do post doc With same professor or through network during gakkai/ advisor recommendation.

  3. If you are outside Japan, you could try for a JSPS position.

    I found it much easier to get a postdoc once I was in Japan.

  4. What is your field? That will probably dictate this much more than Japan vs. not Japan.

  5. I came after PhD, through JSPS scholarship, and then applied to postdoc positions.

    Process is no different than from other countries: you send CV, publication list, past experience, and whatever document they ask. After that, they may call you to give a presentation and interview.

    You find positions through networking at conferences or through your supervisor contact. You can also try to cold apply to open positions you find on J-REC.

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