When will the temperature cool down??

Hi everyone

Currently coming to the end of my first summer in Kudamatsu and I’m really looking forward to the cool temperatures and no humidity.

Everyone locally keeps saying it is cooler now and I can’t notice anything other than the fact I’m still covered in sweat after a 15 minute walk to work 😂

As the title says really… When do the temperatures and humidity start to cool down?

Will it be into October or November?

Really looking forward to western style weather!


Thanks for all the posts in this group keeping me intrigued, there’s a lot of things I hadn’t even considered with living here before joining this group 👍🏻


In my naivety I generalized “cold, cool, breezy and certainly not humid” as western style weather which made no sense to almost everyone.

I should’ve just stuck with “when will it stop being so hot” 😅


  1. >Really looking forward to western style weather!

    Now there’s such a thing as “western style weather”…?

    It’s hot. Thank climate change for that. It’ll cool down in October, probably.

  2. Next week Tokyo looks like it will finally be under 30 degrees for a week, as to how far that lasts is unknown. The Japanese meteorology agency has mentioned the heat wave could continue for October into November

    Being from Canada this weather i feel is terrible, I’ve never spent so much of a summer inside due to such extreme heat. I’m really looking forward to cooler days

  3. It usually gets cooler mid October. This is the hottest summer in a long time though, so maybe November this year.

  4. Saturday.

    It’s the Autumnal Equinox and official start of Autumn, which of course means everything will be instantly cool. Air conditioning on the trains will be turned off. Short sleeved shirts will be disallowed and ties/jackets required instead. Unlike other countries, Japan has 4 seasons, you know!

    Sarcasm aside, 15 years ago some train lines’ heating/cooling really did run on a timetable and not the actual temperature. There were summer-like days when the train would already have the heaters on. It was madness. There were plenty of arbitrary changes based on the date and not actual living conditions, which seemed just insane to me.

  5. It cools down normally in the later part of October. After that, depending on where in Japan you are, it will either turn into a very comfortable autumn, or it will suddenly plunge into a brisk early winter – at least that’s how my co-teachers put it.

    November, at least here in Chugoku and Kansai region, is when it is finally “cold”.

    Cool, ideal, and comfortable weather is nearing, just hang in there a bit longer.

  6. Usually cools down (to mid 20s°) after the last typhoon of September / first typhoon of October, in Kansai at least. Then it cools down again (to early 20s°) by the end of October.

  7. I am disliking walking into Uniqlo unable to buy anything that I actually wear now. I don’t need heat tech 3 months in advance.

  8. In my area in 2019, we went from an “unusually” hot, humid summer, to an extreme cold. It snowed in places it doesn’t usually snow lol. It’s like a roll of the dice here.

  9. Ive noticed a sign that we’re heading into autumn is when the evenings start to cool down. It’ll still be warm in the afternoons for a while, so plan accordingly.

    Also western style weather? Quite a broad spectrum of weather conditions there🧐

  10. > Really looking forward to western style weather!

    Damn, westerners always get to have the cool stuff. (Even they’re the ones who started global warming)

    I jest! Or am I?

  11. 1) what is western style weather?
    2) literally tomorrow if you’re in Tokyo. Do you not have a weather app?

  12. December. Yes, seriously.

    Coming from the UK it doesn’t feel like the Autumn weather I’m used to until December in Japan. November the last couple of years has still been hotter than I’d like, although the humidity does drop a bit.

    January and February it’ll start to get cold and dry.

    Summer starts again in May.

  13. In my second fall season in Japan now, last year things cooled down from mid October to November (in the Kanto Region at least). Once the rainy weather really started in October, things cooled down considerably.

  14. Welcome to hell, especially in the concrete heat islands.
    Japan’s boast of “we have four seasons” can be repackaged to pre fucking hot summer, hell, post fucking hot summer and let’s see what comes next.
    Time to plant some trees in the cities.

  15. It’s known fact that this year’s summer is the coolest compare to upcoming summers decades to the future.

  16. Come to Hokkaido. Summer’s more or less done here now. Tomorrow it goes down to like 12°C at night. 6°C if you’re deeper in-land.

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