I am sorry, but NTT Fleet’s Hikari is Simply Absolute Garbage

I am so done with NTT Hikari.

After trying 5 different(Gaming+, AsahiNet,Plala and 2 local providers, all using IPoE)providers that use them, and buying over 10 different routers to make sure the router is not the problem, I am so done.

NTT has also replaced the fiber connection to my house and replaced their ONU 2 times but they said their service is best effort not guarantee.

This internet is absolute garbage. The speeds are always trash, the latency and packet loss is insane on weekends and holidays, the peering of traffic not going to Japan is terrible. How are they even allowed to be this bad.

Hot damn my Au 5G connection to my phone puts it to absolute shame.

I am just so done.

Sorry for the rant but I am just someone that cares about good quality internet.


  1. The speed is unfortunate but the latency is at least better than your phone connection. Neither is great though. Are you in an apartment or house?

    For reference I own a house and get 500~600mbit down, 300~400mbit up, and 5ms latency on GMOå…‰, which uses NTT lines. It all comes down to provider and area. Maybe it’s just slammed all around where you live? Either way, condolences.

  2. It might have to do with your location. I used to use it and it wasn’t toooo bad, but def not great. Switch to Nuro recently and my speed increased 10x. Literal ten fold increase in my internet speed

  3. I have flets via asahinet, same for everyone in my towaman. Yet, I get on average 100-300mb/s actual download speed for most things, and my ping on CS2 shows 0 (seems to mean I’m below 5ms).

    Not much you can do about it, must have do do with how things are setup in your local area.

  4. I was with them for 3 years and moved twice in that time with no issue in speed so dno (I game and download/upload a lot too) . Maybe a location issue…

  5. Okay so you have 96 mbs down via NTT fiber. And 1gb down on mobile. I want as much down speed as possible too but there are very few instances you really need a full gigabit connection down. Ping isn’t bad either. Could you post your upload speeds as well?

    I’m not looking for a fight but most home internet users will not notice a huge difference between 100mbs down and 10gbs down for normal everyday internet usage. Even gaming. If you have to use a speed test to show how bad your internet is maybe it’s not soo bad?

    But there’s gotta be a bottle neck somewhere in the system. You’ve said you’ve switch isps, routers. As a certified network engineer my best guess is that you have an old cat5 Fast Ethernet cable (100mbs) somewhere in your setup. I’d try a cat 5e or better cat6 and higher.

    In addition even the fastest WiFi6 maxes out at 574mbs at theoretical speeds. So you’re going to have to be hardwired into your router.

    Yes your phone on 5g can do much better because it’s using 5g not WiFi.

    Public internet connection tend to be shared and deprioritized. Speeds and latency bad on the weekends you’re on a congested shared network. If you loose some latency you don’t loose money unlike your isps corporate accounts.

    Hope that helps and many years ago they throttled my speeds because I uploaded 50gigs in a month which at the time NTT had a cap of 15 up a month. I had to apologize over the phone before they would restore my von connection.

  6. Another Flets (via BIGLOBE) user here. It likely depends on location. I get 200-300 Mbps (12-14 ms ping on wifi) on fast.com, and 600+ Mbps regularly on Youtube, Google (Drive) and Apple.

    I don’t play online games, so I can’t say anything about the latency, but the speeds have never felt slow.

  7. Did they do a proper line check? It didn’t work properly when we first moved in, so the go disappeared for a bit after getting his tool out.

    It turned out that someone had driven their truck into a utility pole or something down the road, and the cable was flapping in the breeze.

    We use NTT with Plala (I think) now.

    The NTT modem thingy has never been a problem. The two routers they gave us were both shite. Plugging in Ethernet cables made them not work.

    I bought an Asus RT-AX92U, which works well with the myriad devices on our network. Gets pretty hot though.

    Is IPv6 working properly? That usually seems to be a bit of a fucker.

  8. NTT Flets quality varies WIDELY depending on the area you live and the provider you use. You have changed provider so it’s probably the area. For provider, price isn’t an indication of quality and I once switched from an expensive provider to a cheap due to slow speed from the expensive provider and got much better speed with the cheaper one.

    Unfortunately you can’t get Nuro. Surprised
    JCOM is not an option tho.

  9. Wow…
    People say the same with NURO, but I have Nuro 2G and it’s amazing. It’s the best connection I ever had. Blazing fast speed, always working, everything is so good.

  10. Does it ever go above 100mb/s?

    I know it’s stupid but I had the same issue cause I was using a cat5 cable rather than 5e+ (ideally 6 at least)

  11. Maybe its an apartment thing. Like the connection in the walls is ADSL or sth like that. Your apartment get hikari but everyone in it gets a copper cable thats slow. Checked your apartment internet cabling?

  12. To be honest, idk all the specifics, but I have Docomo Hikari and pay quite a bit per month. It is not rare that I have issues streaming Netflix at a non-blurry quality for an ancient 2015 MacBook. It’s ducking sucks ass.

    Edit: I am a single household and rarely have anything other than a single cellphone an laptop connected to internet

  13. I’m currently using SoftBank Hikari 10Gbps based on FLET’S CROSS. Although it doesn’t truly reach 10Gbps, the 4Gbps download and 2Gbps upload speeds are sufficient for my needs. Moreover, its price is the same as 1Gbps in the first year.

  14. I’ve used NTT/Asahi.net at my first place in the city, and same when I moved out to the ‘suburbs’. Worked as intended (though less than advertised speeds, which I know is typical), absolutely blazing during off times, not as fast during busy periods, but perfectly fine for streaming and gaming. I’ve used J:COM too and they were a big pile of poo. So sounds like YMMV depending where you live.

  15. It may just be issues local to your area OP. I’ve been using that same service for 6 years, and the only time I had internet issues was from my cat biting the cord.

  16. I might have gotten lost in the comments, but your experienced capped speed when physically connected is 96 Mbps, right? Your cabling seems to be up to snuff for 1 Gbps, so my next question would be interfaces. Since you’re gaming, I can’t imagine that your device would have anything less than a 1000Base-T interface. But the ONU on the other hand…it could potentially only have 100Base-Tx interfaces (or the one you’re using happens to be, but the others are not). Maybe try using some of the other Ethernet ports on the router they provided?

    It could also be something on the providers side. They could be throttling you as well, although I’m not sure what they are saying you should expect for speed.

  17. The fact that you have all that packet loss sure seems suspicious like its some sort of highly localized problem, maybe on the NTT side, but also maybe something weird local to you.

  18. I have no idea what is my provider, but between 19:00 and 23:00 i get packet loss that is highly noticable in online games. Streaming services from outside japan also tend to disconnect during that time period. My bet is there is a) consumer load spike in the evening, and something starts to fail between me and services i use or b) some corporate activities like financial markets sync, or YouTube cdn sync, or some other huge volume data transfer to continent, that clogs down ocean cables, cause they use some priority line.

    I don’t think its isp itself as service is pretty fine most of the day, except evening.

  19. Your connection with Hikari might be garbage.

    Never was here. Actually, since I’ve moved here from “back home” I’ve never had an issue with multiple ISPs.

    The fact that you’re dealing with different providers indicates it’s not a network issue.

  20. Can anyone tell me why the 1gb Nuro gives me around 450mbps with Ethernet? Constantly getting timed out of online games because of this.

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