CoCo ichi level 20 is here


  1. The sauce looks the same going in as out I’d imagine. Not for me but I have a friend who’ll be happy there’s another level. Sending good thoughts for your a****le tomorrow.

  2. Doesn’t even look that tasty. Is it really worth the suffering?

    3-kara is my limit. It has the heat and I can still taste the curry. Higher than that, I doubt I could even taste the curry with the level of spiciness.

  3. I have to admit – I survived the 4, but I was hungry and could not eat as fast as I wanted to.

    With a prepared mind and not hungry, I would like to see what happens at 8-10.

    Btw, 20 means “double of hotness”, compared to 10?
    Probably, but just checking…

  4. Imo everything from 5-10 is relatively close in spice level. I haven’t tried 15 yet. I imagine 20 is going to be enough to cure covid

  5. Respect… tried 15 once, couldn’t finish it. Felt like it’s burning all the way from mouth to stomach.

  6. I’ve never liked this place. The curry feels gritty. I’ve ordered level 6 which was pretty hot, but couldn’t get past that grainy texture. I imagine it’s because they just add extra spice powder when you order.

    Have you noticed if the milder levels are smoother?

  7. I love spicy food with my whole heart, but I don’t like anything about a 7 or an 8. Right around there the texture of the curry changes too much and it tastes kind of chalky. I can definitely take the heat, but I just don’t like the texture at all.

    Argh, now I want curry.

  8. Wow, I thought they just add 15 kara. I guess it must’ve been a hit then.

    Personally I never venture above 6.

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