Is the amount my employer’s deducting normal for my income level?

I’ve been here about 4 months, and I’ve noticed that the deductions in my paycheck seem really high:

* 基本給 351,000 (Basic Pay?)
* 手当 30,000 (Allowance?)
* 所得税 77,391 (Income Tax?)
* 社会 保険料 55,284 (Health Insurance?)
* 差引支給額 248,325 (Netpay. Checked at the bank.)

So, well, that’s a total deduction of 132675 yen, or about 38% of my base pay. My total base income is 4,212,000 yen. Which as about….$28,500 USD. The governmental deductions seem a bit high, all things considered, since I’m somewhere on the lower end of the income bracket. Thankfully, I live in a cheap town, not a city, but…$370 a month for what I *think* is basic health insurance? Or $520 a month in taxes? I think I pay more in taxes than I do rent.

Edit: [Here’s a screen shot of my pain slip summary screen.](

Maybe taxes and health care in Japan is just really expensive?

Total deductions:

  1. 社会保険 is your health insurance and pension, around 50k seems quite normal for your income level. The 所得税 though seems really high. I’ve heard of some companies paying taxes for a whole year all at once, maybe thats whats going on here? Or are they deducting 77,391 every month? I would check with your HR to find out whats going on with the taxes.

  2. Your insurance includes pension and unemployment insurance along with health insurance usually, so that amount isn’t too high. Your income tax though… wow… that’s almost a year’s worth right there as far as I can tell

  3. If you are bringing in 381000 per month, your take home after all taxes should be about 300,000 ish.

    But yes, American…. welcome to a social support country. Taxes are high and but that health care works.

    That being said, if you are concerned, post a picture of your pay stub complete, just scratch out your name, so we can double check your data. Or go put your values into a pay calculator online.

  4. >所得税 77,391 (Income Tax?)

    It looks like you’re getting your income tax withheld at the Otsu-ran tax rate. Have you filed an “application for exemption for dependents” form with your employer?

  5. With your base pay, your income tax should be less than 10k a month. They might have deducted 77k for the whole year. You should check with your HR.

    社会保険料 probably includes both the health insurance and pension. So it is quite normal.

    Brace yourself to pay resident tax as well starting from next year lol.

  6. Your 所得税 has to be annual almost sure. I have a lower salary and I pay around ~60k a year, so it would match yours being anual…

  7. Dont worry… I get 120,000yen taken out of my paychecks too for the random bs im paying for. This includes pension that ill never touch (55,000) and for old people that are living off the government.


    Edit: I also always tell my gf I rather pay the company premium insurance when I was in america for a more effective Medical system than deal with the shitty slow and useless Japanese medical system.

  8. Yeah both your income tax and health insurance premium seems too high for your base income…

    For health insurance premium, you can check the PDFs here

    Download the PDF for your prefecture and then look for the row with the range containing your monthly pay to see roughly what you should be paying.

    Income tax is a bit tricker cause of the progressive tax system, gotta set up a spreadsheet to calculate which portion of your income gets taxed at which rate:

  9. I had this same problem with my income tax being abnormally high for me too, the problems was I forgot to fill out 扶養親族等申告書 (Application for Exemption for Dependents of Employment Income Earner) form, you’ll need to contact HR and tell them about your income tax

    If this was the problem you’ll get your extra amount you payed back to you at the end of year during 確定申告

    Everything other than income tax is normal for your pay, next year you’ll start paying residence tax though lol!

  10. The tax will be adjusted at the end of the year or next year. Best to ask the people who pay you what they are doing.

  11. Your deductions seem high in my uneducated opinion. We have the same basic pay and I get 20,500 as 手当 too but they only deducted 75,000 from my pay last month for 所得税、住民税、年金保険料、基本健康保険、特定保険料、雇用保険料、労働組合

  12. You can ask but they will most likely tell you that they will fix things at the end of the year. Taxes are calculated on a yearly basis. If you overpaid, you will pay less around January to offset.

  13. Seems like you’ve got the consensus – they’re taxing you at a nonresident rate due to possibly an accounting error or a missing form. Talk with HR to get that sorted, and anything you’ve overpaid will be sent back to your bank account during tax season next Feb/March. Good luck!

  14. Are you on a working holiday visa?

    If so, that’s the reason.

    If not, this is incorrect and you need to have it fixed. Speak with HR.

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