Re-employment allowance and changing jobs again

I’m going to check at Hello Work next week, but I’d like to ask here in case anyone has experience with this.

I recently left my job due to company circumstances (会社都合). I applied for unemployment insurance at Hello Work, got approved and my 7-day wait period is already over, so I’ll be receiving the payments regularly.

I’m of course searching for a new job. I’m waiting for the results of the interviews I had with Company A and Company B. I’m more interested in Company B, but if it takes longer to receive an offer from them or they decide not to hire me, I’ll definitely join Company A, since I absolutely need to get a job. It’s also very likely that Company A will make an offer way before Company B. Since I’m on track to meet all the requirements for the re-employment allowance (再就職手当), I plan to apply for it as soon as I join Company A.

As part of the process, Hello Work will contact the company about a month after the date of application to confirm I’m actually working there. If I resign before then, they can’t confirm I’m re-employed, and I won’t receive the allowance. If the application is finally approved, the procedure is considered completed when I receive a “Notice of decision on re-employment allowance payment” (再就職手当支給決定通知書) in the mail. After that, apparently I can resign or change jobs again without affecting the allowance in any way.

However, if I receive an offer from Company B before receiving the notice (i.e., during the application process), I’ll basically be in a situation where I change jobs before the process for the re-employment allowance is completed. Please note that in this case, I’ll make sure the day I start my job Company B is the day immediately after my last day at Company A, so there won’t be an employment gap – therefore I will maintain my status as “re-employed”, despite it not being at the same company as it was at the beginning of the application.

I want to make sure I receive the reemployment allowance no matter what, so what do you think I should do? Would I have any issues?

Thank you!

  1. The offer comes from company A. Tell them you need some time to consider the offer. 3 should be acceptable. Call company B and tell them you have an offer from another company that you are considering but you prefer company B. Tell them you will take the offer from A in 3 days.

  2. The new company has to fill in everything after you start. You tell Hello Work about the new job the literal day before you start, you don’t actually apply for the money until a week after you start working.

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