Looking for 03 soft phone recommendations

I travel a lot but need to have a 03 Tokyo number to call people so a soft phone or cloud provider where I can call from 03 number via my mobile phone is what I need.

I know of denphone (too expensive) and circleip and contacted a lot of providers not in Japan but not much luck

Anyone have any recommendations?

To add, I can put some infrastructure in my office as well if needed

  1. Wouldn’t a normal landline with a number forwarding service be easiest?

    It’s called “Voice Warp”

  2. * Get your own hikaridenwa from NTT. Number depends on your location, of course. But you can get 0120 pointed to that if you want. Your caller ID will be 0120 in that case.
    * Setup asterisk in a VM/whatever
    * Route calls through that. Run some IP phone on your mobile, like Zoiper or something.
    * Profit! (because you’re not paying anyone anything)

  3. My university uses Zoom phone. I dont have much details on the set up though but we all have an 03 number.

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