Just moved into a new apartment, the floors seem to have been built out of cling film / saran wrap

I just moved into a nice new apartment in Tokyo. It’s new construction, RC, overall I really love it…

…But the floors already have like 10 scuff marks on them that seem to be permanent. It looks just like dirt, but when you get close you can feel that the surface of the floor was scuffed up, like it was made of layers of thin saran wrap and by rubbing something on the floor it sort of scrapped it.

I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong (for the record, I’m not dragging furniture or anything across the floor, or doing really anything. There were people who moved a fridge in, which involved moving it across the floor but it had wheels and they were careful. I put together a table seen in the photo, on cardboard, and moved it carefully by lifting it. Etc), or if I’m just destined to have to pay some stupid amount of money when I eventually move out because I’ve damaged the floors?

Looking at the photos it almost looks like dirt or something, or like I spilled superglue on the floor or something, but that’s not what it is.

A specific question is, anybody with similar floors is there any secret to getting these types of marks out? i almost wonder if I took a VERY light sandpaper with a VERY careful touch or something if I could “buff out” the marks.

Here are some photos of the floor, and the particularly bad area.


  1. I have no idea, but the flooring in my current place is the same. I’ve just given up worrying about it until I decide to leave… So hopefully someone here will have better ideas.

  2. I don’t think you can “buff” that out. That looks like what I have in my house – cheap PVC sheets with wood texture on it (in my case I can easily see the pattern repeat). Buffing that will make it worse.

  3. It’s the cheap vinyl flooring that more apartments use. It’s just how it is. Just ensure to put felt on the bottom of chairs etc.

  4. I bought melamine sponge from daiso to get the glue-like stuff off the floor when I first moved in. It should be used wet, no soap needed. If you use it dry it’s like sandpaper.

  5. It could be wax! 🙌🏻
    When we moved into our apartment the floors were so shiny and clean. Didn’t take long for weird scuffs to appear with little effort.
    It also turns beige then grey when in contact with water and leaves a strange film. Any movement will peel that right off.
    My partner told me it was cause they wax the floor HEAVILY for estate photos and such so they’d look nice and shiny.
    We bought some wax remover as well as wax and re did certain areas that started to look really bad.

    Really annoying maintenance imo. Get a cute rug to cover high traffic areas perhaps? It’s what we did ☺️👍🏻

  6. Is it a Village House because I have the same floor in my kitchen. It has a slight spongey fill to it? I’m just try to keep it dirt free. I bought those long kitchen rugs at Daiso for around the sink and stove.

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