Looking for resources where N2 grammar is profusely used

I’ve been studying on N2 textbooks for a while now, dedicating myself mostly to grammar and 読解. What I found is that the passages that are included in my 読解 textbooks don’t contain as much N2 grammar as I would like. I feel like I don’t get much exposure to some more formal and generally rarer forms, such as

• に伴って (自由には、それに伴う責任がある)

• を問わず (学歴、経験は問わず、やる気のある社員を募集します)

• まい (彼は何も言うまいと思ってるらしい)

• \~さえ\~ば (道が込みさえしなければ、駅までタクシーで10分ぐらいだ)

• \~も\~ば\~も (父はお酒も飲めばタバコも吸うので、健康が心配だ)

• に沿って (決まった方針に沿って、新しい計画を立てましょう)

• にもとより (私が生まれた村は、電車はもとより、バスも通っていない)

• をめぐって (その法案の賛否をめぐって、活発な議論が交わされた)

• ばかりか in place of ばかりでなく

These are just a few examples. Again, I’m not saying that my 読解 textbooks never ever contain any of these constructions, yet at the same time, I feel like I don’t see them enough, so I’m afraid I could potentially forget about them. Can you recommend to me some extra resources? I think newspapers are filled with these expressions, but whenever I read one I feel overwhelmed (so much ink!). What should I read? The 恐ろしい newspapers? Thank you \^\^

  1. I’m not sure about how often the grammar you ask about is used in these texts, but I’d like to recommend you two free reading ressources for your level:

    * [YomuJP (Tadoku Dōjō](https://yomujp.com/n2)): blog-like articles on various non-fiction subjects written especially for learners. I liked their series on [Japanese linguistics](https://yomujp.com/tag/%e8%be%9e%e5%85%b8%e7%b7%a8%e9%9b%86%e8%80%85%e3%81%98%e3%81%a6%e3%82%93%e3%81%b8%e3%82%93%e3%81%97%e3%82%85%e3%81%86%e3%81%97%e3%82%83%e3%81%8b%e3%82%89%e8%a6%8b%e3%81%bf%e3%81%9f%e6%97%a5/) and their series on [famous Japanese figures](https://yomujp.com/tag/the-great-japanese/).
    * [Tongari Books](https://tongari-books.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html): Short stories for intermediate-to-advanced Japanese learners. Furigana on all kanji, but still complex themes. I liked this [detective story](https://tongari-books.blogspot.com/2020/12/blog-post.html), this [ghost story](https://tongari-books.blogspot.com/2021/02/311.html) and this [short-story](https://tongari-books.blogspot.com/2022/02/blog-post.html).

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