How long can I stay in Japan after I finish attending a language school?

I’m currently attending a japanese language school and got accepted into a senmon gakko. The japanese language school I’m going to would finish at the end of December while the Senmon gakko starts in April. Can I stay in Japan without attending a language school until April? My current student visa is until July of next year and I don’t know exactly when the senmon gakko will start doing the paperwork for my new visa.

(I don’t know if this is the right subreddit since it’s my first time using reddit, sorry)

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **How long can I stay in Japan after I finish attending a language school?**

    I’m currently attending a japanese language school and got accepted into a senmon gakko. The japanese language school I’m going to would finish at the end of December while the Senmon gakko starts in April. Can I stay in Japan without attending a language school until April? My current student visa is until July of next year and I don’t know exactly when the senmon gakko will start doing the paperwork for my new visa.

    (I don’t know if this is the right subreddit since it’s my first time using reddit, sorry)

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  2. No. 2 weeks unless it has changed recently or there’s some special exception I’ve never heard of. Your school should be able to help you with this.

  3. language school is obligated to revoke your visa once you are no longer studying with them so you need to convert your visa.

    so you are not planning to study until you start your vocational school and plan to travel instead?

    discuss the timing about it with your school. they should know best.

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