Is JREC-IN the problem or me?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying for hours to get a job application through with JREC-IN. (If you don’t know JREC-IN you probably won’t be able to help, but it’s a job search and application portal for researchers.)

So here’s what I’ve done: I’ve created a 履歴書 and a 業績リスト on the platform. The platform confirms both documents are 作成済.

Now there’s a job ad that specifically requested applications through JREC-IN. So under 応募書類 it says 公募情報に記載されている応募書類を添付してください, then there are three clickable categories for 履歴書, 業績リスト, and その他. If I click on either of the first two, there’s a red error message telling me 履歴書が作成されていません and 業績リストが作成されていません, respectively. (But I did create those documents!) その他 is the only category I can upload documents to.

What I’ve not done: I haven’t created a searchable public profile. I tried just in case that was a prerequisite, but this website is so finnicky. It gives me an error message that says I shouldn’t exclude public institutions because my appeal will go down, but I didn’t.

If everything fails I’ll upload everything as その他 and email them to explain (and to avoid cluttering their inboxes with big files). Would like to avoid this as a first impression though.

Any chance anyone knows if I’m doing something wrong or if there’s a better Subreddit to ask? Thanks in advance.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Is JREC-IN the problem or me?**

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been trying for hours to get a job application through with JREC-IN. (If you don’t know JREC-IN you probably won’t be able to help, but it’s a job search and application portal for researchers.)

    So here’s what I’ve done: I’ve created a 履歴書 and a 業績リスト on the platform. The platform confirms both documents are 作成済.

    Now there’s a job ad that specifically requested applications through JREC-IN. So under 応募書類 it says 公募情報に記載されている応募書類を添付してください, then there are three clickable categories for 履歴書, 業績リスト, and その他. If I click on either of the first two, there’s a red error message telling me 履歴書が作成されていません and 業績リストが作成されていません, respectively. (But I did create those documents!) その他 is the only category I can upload documents to.

    What I’ve not done: I haven’t created a searchable public profile. I tried just in case that was a prerequisite, but this website is so finnicky. It gives me an error message that says I shouldn’t exclude public institutions because my appeal will go down, but I didn’t.

    If everything fails I’ll upload everything as その他 and email them to explain (and to avoid cluttering their inboxes with big files). Would like to avoid this as a first impression though.

    Any chance anyone knows if I’m doing something wrong or if there’s a better Subreddit to ask? Thanks in advance.

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  2. You may want to try /r/teachinginjapan

    I don’t have specific advice for you. I don’t know where the problem lies, but I can say that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was on their end. Their new website is a fucking mess. The old one looked dated but was much more user friendly.

  3. Hi,
    I applied job and submitted my documents through JREC-IN system, but on the older version (before July where they updated the website). At that time I submitted my CV and cover letter (western format) as a normal attachment, so I did not make 履歴書 nor 職務経歴書 from their system.

    Have you tried to upload them in its English site? Did you notice the same problem?

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