How long do you finish a light novel and what is your Japanese level?

How long does it take for you guys to finish a 250-300p light novel? I’m N2 and it took me like a month to finish 1 book while looking a a dictionary every now and then. I think most Japanese are able to finish in a matter of hours so I wanna compare with how non natives do. Am I slow?

I’m not that much of an avid reader though. Even for books in English or my native language I don’t read tha fast.

  1. 250-300p is very vague, as there are light novels with a lot of blank spaces. It generally takes me 2~5 hours to finish one light novel. When I started out it used to be 10 hours and more for one novel. Obviously difficulty is an important factor; there are very easy and very hard light novels (in general I think that light novels are even a bit more challenging and harder than “normal” novels).

  2. I am around N2 as well and this really depends on if I like the book.

    If I am bored by it, it can take me over 2 months to finish.

    If I really like it, I can be done in a week. I have recently finished the first Twilight book and it took me maybe two weeks (it is a two parter in JP).

  3. days is irrelevant, hours is the measure, after all how many hours per day?

    i read at 10 pages/hour in japanese, probably n1 level but haven’t taken the exam

    but it can take me months to finish a novel because i don’t take hours each day; though at that rate, i could theoretically finish a 300p novel in a weekend if i read nonstop every waking hour for 30h

  4. Lol I’m a pretty avid reader and it takes me days to read a 300p book in my native language English.

  5. Passed N2 last December. I finish a LN about every 2-3 weeks reading around an hour a day. I estimate about ~25-30 pages/hour reading between 9000-14000 characters an hour depending on difficulty and focus.

  6. your average LN book I could finish in 1 day if i like it, 3-5 days if its just a normal book for me, ive read the last 3 volumes of mushoku 1 each day (for reference which book)

  7. Wow, reading these comments, I must be doing something **really** wrong. I’m around N2 but I’ve only just started reading my first LN and I’ve read maybe 20% of it in about 10 hours. No idea how people are reading a whole novel in half that time.

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