Does this phone number is legit?

Hello, I got a call from 0800 808 7000, it’s the second time in 2 weeks.
I saw online that it was a Japanese company recalling unpaid pensions (national I think). Has this ever happened to you? Furthermore, I just arrived in Japan 1 month ago and I don’t work, I don’t think I have any pension to pay.
Thank you !

  1. Just as a side note regarding your pension exemption.
    Make sure you went to the appropriate place in your ward office and really applied for it. You should then get a certificate via mail afterwards.
    Doesn’t take long and might save you some hassle later down the road.

    Edit: whenever in doubt, just go to the ward office for clarification

  2. This number belongs to a company that the national pension system is outsourcing to. The safest course for you is to go to your city hall and confirm with them whether you have to register or not. You *are* obligated to join by default whether you have income or not, but you can apply for an exemption if you have no income or other extenuating circumstances.

  3. If you are just a temporary visitor/traveller to Japan who just entered Japan, and have no resident status in Japan, and just got your Japanese SIM card and getting this call, then its likely that the previous owner of that phone number is in debt. I doubt that money-collecting company speaks English, but you could try saying “my name is ****, and I just got this phone number, and I don’t know who you are calling to”, but if that fails, go ahead and block the number. But as others say, if you are more than shor term visitor, and you are residing in Japan, then check with the ward/city office as others say.

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