Kumano Kodo 3-4 days trip


During our 1 month vacation)Late april to Late may) we had around 4 days to spare (Around Kyoto-Osaka moving from there to Tokyo) and we thought about take a taste of the Kumano-Kodo.

Because were limited in time according to Kumono travel we have 3 option:

1. Explore the 1st half from: Takijiri to Hongu
2. Explore the 2nd half from: Hongu to Nachi
3. Adding 1 day and do this route: [**https://www.kumano-travel.com/en/model-itineraries/5-days-E1-kumano-kodo-trek-nakahechi**](https://www.kumano-travel.com/en/model-itineraries/5-days-E1-kumano-kodo-trek-nakahechi)

My main concern with the 3rd option is that i got a feel we wont experience the trail as its more of a sightseeing route (For example its inc. boat tour, I’m not sure how much i’m into it…)

Regarding option 1 VS 2:

I’m tending to go with 2 as we don’t want to miss Nachi, But I’m not sure regarding the route itself (Which one of them is more interesting\\Beautiful)…

We both 27 with good shape so i’m not afraid of long days of walknig, We do arrived after 8 days in Kyushu and 4 days in Yakushima, So we would like to experience different scenery (As much as possible)

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