Orange cones to reserve public parking spots in Minato-ku – legal?

Is it legal for a person or small business to put down orange cones to reserve a public street parking spot in Hiroo? I just parked in a public spot and didn’t notice any cone. Some foreign man, middle eastern or Indian, scolds me when I get back to my car accusing me of moving his cones and that he reserved the spot. I definitely didn’t move any cone but he kept accusing me and said he has a video. I basically told him to eff off. Is this legal or socially acceptable to do?

  1. I loathe that area, full of pretentious twats who thing the whole world evolving around Hiroo/Minato.
    OP, call the police

  2. Why would that thought even cross your mind? No its not legal. In fact its against the road traffic act. If he bugs you, call the cops.

  3. Are you sure it was a public spot? With a parking meter? And the meter was already running when you parked there?

  4. lol let him take his video of you stealing his imaginary reserved parking spot to the police. Hell if it happens again offer to walk with him to the koban so he can show how he illegally tried to take a parking spot directly to an officer directly.

    If it is a public area *everyone* has the right to park there. If they wanted to reserve that spot they should’ve parked their own vehicle there while waiting for the person they reserved it for.

  5. Sometimes they do that when they will be doing construction work nearby. But I would assume they get explicit permission from city hall in advance. I wouldn’t allow some random guy to do that, it’s not a Starbucks.

  6. If the spot is rented by him, he can put a cone to prevent drivers to accidentally park there, otherwise, nope.

    110 the crap out of that loser, freak him out.

    Edit: could be a new type scam.

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