What should be on your graduation certificate for it to be accepted?


I’ve seen some posts about it here, but due to mixed answers and mixed situations, I decided to ask exactly what immigration wants to see on a provisional certificate.

To be clear, I am talking about the certificate you receive upon graduating and before getting the actual diploma. The diploma takes a year, and it would be absurd to tell an employer to wait a whole year for me. (10 months left)

I will list what I do have on the certificate. Maybe the reason for different results comes from different things that are mentioned there.

– Name and birth date

-Program I have graduated form and the language it was taught in

-accreditation (some code and number not sure what it is exactly)
– nr of credits (European format)

-yearly average grades (3 years because that is how we do it in Europe)

-average grade for the 3 years

-Month and year I have graduated (the exact date is mentioned under the form of when the document was given to me)

-marks for my finals (exam, thesis and the average of both)

-mentioned that this document is valid 12 months after graduating

-signatures an what-not

-university logo and contact info

I do not have a transcript. We get the with the diploma. If there is a need to, I can probably get that early, or at least a grade sheet for the 3 years (not the same thing I was told)

I had some interviews/employers confused on this, wouldn’t have worried otherwise.

There is already the risk of immigration simply not knowing that 3 years in Europe is equivalent to 4 years outside. (Maybe the employee is new or something, I understand that this is not really common knowledge)

Also, should I translate those documents to Japanese? Legalized translation or only a quick word document with the text translated to Japanese so they do not have a hard time with the documents. I have them legally translated in English right now.

I am mostly asking for work, but if I will also try for the MEXT scholarship. I doubt there would be problems with them.


  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **What should be on your graduation certificate for it to be accepted?**


    I’ve seen some posts about it here, but due to mixed answers and mixed situations, I decided to ask exactly what immigration wants to see on a provisional certificate.

    To be clear, I am talking about the certificate you receive upon graduating and before getting the actual diploma. The diploma takes a year, and it would be absurd to tell an employer to wait a whole year for me. (10 months left)

    I will list what I do have on the certificate. Maybe the reason for different results comes from different things that are mentioned there.

    – Name and birth date

    -Program I have graduated form and the language it was taught in

    -accreditation (some code and number not sure what it is exactly)
    – nr of credits (European format)

    -yearly average grades (3 years because that is how we do it in Europe)

    -average grade for the 3 years

    -Month and year I have graduated (the exact date is mentioned under the form of when the document was given to me)

    -marks for my finals (exam, thesis and the average of both)

    -mentioned that this document is valid 12 months after graduating

    -signatures an what-not

    -university logo and contact info

    I do not have a transcript. We get the with the diploma. If there is a need to, I can probably get that early, or at least a grade sheet for the 3 years (not the same thing I was told)

    I had some interviews/employers confused on this, wouldn’t have worried otherwise.

    There is already the risk of immigration simply not knowing that 3 years in Europe is equivalent to 4 years outside. (Maybe the employee is new or something, I understand that this is not really common knowledge)

    Also, should I translate those documents to Japanese? Legalized translation or only a quick word document with the text translated to Japanese so they do not have a hard time with the documents. I have them legally translated in English right now.

    I am mostly asking for work, but if I will also try for the MEXT scholarship. I doubt there would be problems with them.


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  2. For a specific question like this (“what would I need to present in lieu of a diploma as proof of a bachelors degree”?) I would recommend reaching out to your countries Japanese embassy. They’re the ones ultimately responsible for vetting the school and the documents they provide.

    In many countries they operate a 24/7/365 hotline that you can call. For example this one: https://www.ro.emb-japan.go.jp/itprtop_ro/viza_info_hotline.html

  3. All you need is a signed letter from school administration that says you graduated and from what program / with what degree.

    Essentially, the same info as your degree has.


    The consulate won’t ask for something schools don’t give, and the school won’t give you something not good enough for the consulate. Relax.

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