Question about taxes in Japan

So my question is that my income is from a family company (located in my country ) so it’s not that I have a “salary”. I was trying to find information about how taxes work but I couldn’t understand much.
Does anyone has experience with taxes if the income is from a company outside Japan but you are not an employee, you are one of the owners?
Thanks in advance

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Question about taxes in Japan**

    So my question is that my income is from a family company (located in my country ) so it’s not that I have a “salary”. I was trying to find information about how taxes work but I couldn’t understand much.
    Does anyone has experience with taxes if the income is from a company outside Japan but you are not an employee, you are one of the owners?
    Thanks in advance

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  2. You’ll probably want to ask the finance gurus over in r/JapanFinance to get a more comprehensive answer.

    The key factor though is how actively are you involved in the running of this business? If you’re doing work for this company, then the income you get from it would be domestically sourced, since you’re in Japan when you do the work (only counts for income you earn after you arrive of course).

    If you’re not doing anything for this company and you’re just drawing a salary or receiving dividends or stipends or something then whether or not the income is taxable depends on whether or not the money comes to Japan. As far as I’m aware, if any of the money from the income source comes to Japan then the entirety of it is subject to Japanese taxation.

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