Applying for a bank account

Hi! I recently moved to Japan for a 5-month exchange program. I have some questions regarding banks accounts and the different kinds of cards for making various transactions. I plan on applying for either a cash card or debit card at JP Post Bank because this is my uni’s recommendation.

1. Do hankos need to be registered prior to opening a bank account?
2. Can cash cards be used to pay for NHI premiums? The mail just says automatic bank transfer, but I can’t tell if they mean credit, debit, or cash cards.
3. Can cash cards be accepted in part-time job salaries? I suppose this would be employer-specific, but is there a general rule? I actually wouldn’t mind cash payments, though. I have yet to apply for a job, but I just wanna be prepared.
4. Can I make personal bank deposits with a cash card? I’ve read so far that they’re used for ATM withdrawals, not much input on deposits. (Thinking about the obvious now though, how would I make a withdrawal without a deposit, haha).
5. In your opinion, would you advise me to apply for a debit or cash card? I have some yen on hand that I need to keep in a bank for safety, so I might not opt for a credit card. (Other points for context: my dorm rental is fully-paid in cash and I pay for my phone bills at Family Mart, so no need to consider those transactions; I prefer using cash to pay for things and I use my IC card for transportation; my main concerns are arubaito and insurance premiums).

I apologize if these questions seem like common sense or easily google-able, but I’m a bit dumbfounded and overloaded with information, haha. Thanks in advance!

  1. Welcome!
    1. You don’t need a hanko with JP, your signature will suffice.
    2. Cash cards cannot be used to pay for anything, but you can have payments set up to debit from your bank account.
    3. Again, your bank account will be used to receive a salary. Nothing to do with a cash card.
    4. Yes, you can deposit physically at JP ATM with your cash card. Notes only. Coins at the physical bank.
    5. Since you’re new to Japan you’ll most likely not be accepted for their debit card yet and will only get the cash card, but you can try. If you’re rejected you can try again later. Or you can try another bank like Sony, which is online and you may qualify quicker for an account and debit card with them.

    Hope that helps.

  2. If its your first time here in Japan, then welcome, and hope you have a pleasant 5 months here!

    1. Like someone already mentioned, foreigners don’t need hanko, they can use their signature as substitute in almost everywhere.
    2. I usually pay most of my NHI at the combini using cash, no automatic bank transfer. Also automatic bank transfer means, they will automatically withdraw the amount from your JP Bank account every month, without you needing to do anything.
    3. Basically a cash card, like you yourself have mentioned, is used for withdrawing/depositing money. When you will apply for part-time employment, they will ask for another identification card, called ‘My Number Card.’ Most of the payment are likely to be bank transfer, so they will ask your bank account number.
    4. Again, like someone already has mentioned, you can make deposition at the ATM through cash card.
    5. As you will be staying for just 5 months, it is going to be really hard to get any credit or debit card here in Japan. Also, without residing for 6 months in Japan, you can not open accounts in any banks other than JP bank. So, your choice is very limited. But you could try for JP Bank Visa Debit card and see if they give it to you or not. One other option is applying for prepaid credit cards, they have a bit relaxed screening process. Checkout SMBC Visa Prepe, D Card Prepaid, and Line Pay Visa Prepaid.

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