A good volleyball team in west tokyo (Nakano, Suginami, Shinjuku…) ?

Hello guys, i’m a french uni student staying for one year in Tokyo as an exchange student at Waseda uni. I played volleyball for years now, but i just can’t find a “good” team here in Tokyo. Do you know where could i find one ?

I tried contacting some uni teams, but many didn’t respond / won’t accept me cuz i’m a gaijin lol, and they struggle with english. Also, when i mean a “good” team, i mean only-men training, competition etc…

If some of you can help me 😀

  1. >and they struggle with english

    They’re Japanese teams… in Japan… maybe the issue is you struggling with Japanese instead? Just an idea

  2. As mentioned, I think your lack of Japanese skills could cause issues for you. A team that’s very serious about volleyball will likely be very hesistant, or even unwilling, to take on a player who doesn’t speak Japanese. Unlike in Europe, where English can serve as the lengua franca, as you may have noticed, in Japan English levels are quite low. The lengua franca in Japan is, well, Japanese.

    Think about it this way; on your normal high-level volleyball team in France, would you be willing to take on a player who spoke neither French nor English, with whom you had 0 ability to communicate? Probably not. A lack of communication does not win championships.

    The teams more likely to be tolerant low communicative abilities are less serious intermural teams (though my understanding is that even intermural teams in Japan are still pretty serious and committed).

    Is it possible that you may find a multi-lingual, serious volleyball team? Sure. Is it likely? Probably not. If anything, your best bet might be to check ICU (International Christian University) since they offer a lot of degree programs in English and have a high percentage of students who spent part of their childhood abroad

  3. Get some sports person from your uni to call those other teams on the phone. Hopefully they will know what to say and it’s less formal.

    I think that may be a slightly roundabout, but workable way for you to come and practice with some team once and hopefully they’ll love you after.

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