Are there any child free dating apps in Japan?

Going back to this hell called dating. I have an account in bumble and a Japanese dating app.
Almost everyone wants a kid, so it would be nice to only see profiles of child free people. It’s a non negotiable for me.
Thank you.

  1. Child-free is the new vegan I swear. Just put it in your bio and ask your partner like a grown adult. If they clap back just block them.

  2. Nope, there is none. In my experience, you can put it in your profile but almost everyone will ignore it and add you anyway. The best option I’d say is to lie and say that you had a vasectomy / whatever in big easy to spot letters. Should filter most people. I know it sucks but you can just say later on the reason why you wrote it. Some people will not read anything anyway, so you will have to mention it again.
    Otherwise you will waste a lot of time. I remember trying match or something and I was bombarded by single moms.

  3. How old are you?

    You’re probably best off to use bumble and pairs, and set the setting for “don’t want kids” and put it in your profile.

    Also don’t worry so much about getting likes from people that do want kids. Most people don’t read profiles anyway. Swipe left on them. Anyone that likes you and you don’t like back increases your score anyway, so it might be annoying but it’s actually good for you🤷‍♀️

  4. I feel you (I’m a guy though).
    I feel like you automatically become worthless in the eyes of many just because you don’t want kids, not too mention the concept of being child-free is not as widespread here as it is in the west. I’ve just accepted that it’s going to take a long time to find a compatible partner, if it ever happens. And if it doesn’t, I’ll just have to deal with it – far better than being with someone incompatible anyway. I’m snipped so I don’t have to worry about “accidents” which is also a big plus! Much harder for women to get sterilized here (and in general), as I understand.

  5. some apps let you filter out profiles that say they have kids, no guarantee the childless ones don’t want any in the future, tho. i bet some that have the menu selection for do/n’t want kids let you filter that if you pay for an upgrade. idk, i put it in my bio too, but it seems most ppl don’t read closely or think they can change my mind (ha!). i guess if there’s a next time around i’ll make my main photo holding a big sign that says 子供NG!

  6. When I was using dating apps before I met my wife, most of the Japanese girls I met turned out to be married.

    I couldn’t do that to another dude so I’d just walk out resulting in a lot of awkward dates…

    Dating with apps in Japan is really rough. I’d recommend joining like a club or some kind of hobby group and try to meet girls that have a mutual interest.



    (OP, I have no idea how to navigate this situation, but I wish you the best of luck anyway.)

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