

  1. The top is plastic and you have to cut it open

    If it’s all glass you are drinking out of an antique !

  2. Real talk, but did you use Google translate for your topic title?

    Basically everyone here reads English…

  3. This is an English-language sub, there was no need to translate your question into Japanese, and it probably does more harm than good since 90% of people here won’t be able to read it without taking the additional step of using Google Translate

  4. You can break the bottle. If youre looking to keep it intact. I remember seeing some weird shit on YouTube

  5. Jesus that title is some weeb nonsense.

    For the 99% of this sub that don’t read Japanese, it says “I’m a foreigner and it’s my first time trying this drink, how do I get the marbles out of the bottle?”

    ~~The answer is you break it.~~ EDIT: Apparently you can remove the plastic top.

  6. ビンをそのまま肛門に突っ込んで、3回ジャンプしたらビイ玉自然に受けます。

  7. No idea wtf the title says but if you’re wondering how to get the ball out, you don’t. So, you probably don’t speak Japanese if you’re wondering how to get this out of the bottle.

  8. Take a lighter and melt the side of the top. Use a straighthead screwdriver to fold the melted plastic back and pry it off.

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