Best Anki Settings

I made a post yesterday saying that I was downloading Anki after 1 year of studying, and I just made my first deck with 2000 cards (I just imported my quizlet sets into one big Anki deck).

My question now is what settings should I use on this deck? i.e. Learning steps, new cards/day, graduating interval, etc. I watched Matt vs Japan’s video on this, so I’m familiar with the terminology, but I was curious on what you guys use/recommend.

Also, since I probably know a decent amount of these words, should I just suspend the ones I 100% know? And this might be a stupid question, but what happens if I do more cards per day than I set? Like if I set 15 cards per day but I want to study for 2 hours?


  1. Instead of watching videos from scammers like Matt, you should just read the Anki manual which actually explains how the settings work and why a lot of them are best left at the defaults. Most external guides are created by people who haven’t read the manual themselves and have no idea what they’re talking about.

    No, you should not suspend the ones you know because Anki is not a cramming tool, it’s a tool to retain knowledge you already understand long-term.

  2. tbh whatever works the best for you. The defaults are pretty good, and you can always go in and adjust settings later. Even for one deck vs. another, you might want to study more/fewer cards per day or have reviews appear more/less frequently. I would recommend just starting with the default or something that seems reasonable, and adjust as you go if the current settings aren’t effective.

  3. the only setting I changed is the one which sets how aggressive it is about creating leeches

    I think it normally takes 10 fails to make a leech and I set it to 4

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