As I See It: Japan should base school rules on diversity

As I See It: Japan should base school rules on diversity

  1. This story comes up like every year.

    First, I want to say. Of course you should be able to wear your hair in cornrows. Obviously it’s 2023, get over it. Japan is stuck in the darkages, fax machines, you know the deal.

    Second, I think it’s manufactured outrage. You already know what the school will say and do if you have cornrows in your hair. You know you don’t have to do that for your graduation. You can just choose to do something acceptable to the school so you can go to graduation. Instead, we gotta hear about the SAME thing every year.

    Help change the rule, whatever LDP rep, local ordinance whatever and protest about it, you know what I mean. Change it, then be like “we can finally wear cornrows to graduation.” I didn’t say it would be easy, or that you could even change it though. Just saying.

  2. I don’t understand why they didn’t check it out with the school beforehand. By most accounts the student is a good student who hasn’t had many problems and so on, and has been in the Japanese school system all the way? So I don’t get why he wouldn’t think to get an ok for the school knowing how anal people can be about rules.

  3. I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion but I actually think this isn’t unreasonable.
    There is no need for him to put his hair in cornrows. He can just have short hair. All of the other kids are required to have short hair.
    It may or may not be a more of a hassle for him to keep his hair tidy, but I don’t see why this rule is discriminatory.
    It would actually be discriminatory the other way around if only black or half black kids were allowed to have certain hairstyles as you are beginning to introduce different rules for different ethnicities, which is dangerous territory. Or are you proposing that all of the kids should be allowed to do whatever they want with their hair?
    I’m totally on the side of the kids who are forced to dye their hair black to go to school, but this doesn’t seem as ridiculous or unfair as people are making out, and I don’t see an easy solution.

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