Overwhelmed with resources


Apologies in advance as I have asked similar in this Reddit before.

I am trying to pass N5 this December and on practice tests I seem to do very well all until it gets to the questions where you have to choose a sentence that means similar to the question sentence. I do somewhat well on this area but many questions are wrong. On the listening part I probably get about 2 questions correct.

It seems vocabulary is the issue and grammar too. I’ve tried Genki, but I just can’t seem to stick with it. However, I am able to stick with Anki, using it every day and making many notes from YouTube channels such as Game Gengo and CureDolly (old faithful). In Anki, I go over a mix of vocabulary with sentence examples and kanji recognition. With Game Gengo, I recently went over his verb conjugation video and I am conjugating all Genki verbs using the notes I made to build my knowledge in how to conjugate correctly.

But I am not making progress quickly enough, and now I have so many resources that I’ve noticed that I’m not actually improving at all. I seem to be stuck in a loop of the same skill level and I don’t know how to break out of it. I have many apps, bunpo, bunpro but the latter is filled with grammar (60 entries) that I’m always getting wrong. I have easy Japanese with news articles I can’t read etc. I found an italki tutor that works for me who is excellent for speaking and sentence building, but she can only do a lesson once a month roughly.

Does anyone have any advice to get me to full N5 level that excludes going through the Genki textbooks and going through TheMoeWay etc? I just need this last push in the right direction and then I can return to a more structured method.

Thank you

1 comment
  1. There’s a comment of yours from a couple weeks ago claiming you’ve been a beginner for 4 years, yeah? If you’re having trouble with N5-level sentence comprehension AND listening AND vocab AND grammar after so long, I would assume the remedy is productive hours. There’s got to be an issue there either with the time you’re able to invest, or with inefficient study methods. All I’d suggest is, gauge which resources give you the best mix of motivation and productivity, and spend a lot of time with them.

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