Is it legal for a teacher to constantly scream at students?

There’s a fifth grade teacher who constantly screams at his students, he especially singles out this one student on a consistent basis. He sounds like the general from Full Metal Jacket, but worse.

On Thursday last week, all of the kids were going home together. We were all out on the playground in different groups related to different neighborhoods. I stood by a small group of first grade girls. They were playing rock, paper, scissors with me, and speaking some English words that they knew. Before I knew it, this fifth grade teacher came around the side of me and screamed at these little girls relentlessly telling them to shut up, etc., he was going on and on, screaming at them in front of the whole school. I thought that this behavior was so ridiculous, that I turned around, walked into the school, and sat at my desk. I usually wave goodbye to all of the students as they leave.

I’m now worried that these little first grade girls will have a negative perception of English, apart from having their confidence damaged as they were berated by this bully teacher in front of the school.

Is this behavior legal? What steps might I take to protect the students from the constant berating of this abusive instructor?

  1. Probably not illegal because Japan. I would talk to kocho about it and tell him what you said in the second paragraph.

  2. So all the other teachers saw a crazy teacher screaming at first graders, and did nothing?

    Also, not that this justifies the screaming, but were you playing with the kids and being loud while principal was addressing the whole school, or while there were announcements happening before they all break out to go home?

  3. My kid is in first grade and if a teacher was doing this, I’d be pissed and I’d want to know about it. Yeah, definitely tell somebody higher up. It’s not illegal to yell at students but it’s not exactly okay either, especially first grade kids. Dollars to donuts, this guy has been doing it for a while now and nobody has said anything.

  4. > He sounds like the general from Full Metal Jacket,

    He was a sergeant, not a general.

    Aside, that teacher is just one of those with no business in the job.

  5. Sadly there is not much you can do in this situation. Teachers in Japan get away with a lot of crap that would get them fired immediately in other countries. By making a big deal you might actually alienate yourself or be seen as a troublemaker by the school and the dispatch company.

  6. Ask him if screaming at 6 year old girls makes him feel strong. Do it in the teacher’s room where everyone can witness his response. Shame is the best way to stop guys like this in Japan.

  7. Record the idiot and leak it to the parents. Let them fight for their children rather than the gaijin

  8. What exactly does this teacher scream to the students? Depending on the context and contents, this guy’d be facing harassment charges. Moreover, this is straight-up abusive behavior.

  9. > *I’m now worried that these little first grade girls will have a negative perception of English, apart from having their confidence damaged as they were berated by this bully teacher in front of the school*

    This right here! This is what you should say to the school principal if you ask them to have a small chat! Let the principal know that the teacher has potentially made those students lose interest in learning English because he taught them that you shouldn’t use English in school because he will yell at you. Also let them know exactly how it made you feel at that moment and ever since. Then stand up, bow and apologize to the principal for “wasting their time” while wiping your eyes as you leave! Doing this will show the principal the seriousness of the situation thus prompting them to really do something about it! Other teachers are probably too afraid of him or just don’t want to start anything, so they say/do nothing!

  10. I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing this, but sadly shouting and humiliation are not considered even as a abuse.

    And even physical attacks like smacking or pushing to the ground are fine here in Japan.
    In many cases a teacher who teaches athletics does this and nobody does anything.

    I experienced it and saw it as a student, in every school I attended thorough age 7 to 18.

    If you’re in expensive private school, I’m not sure but I don’t think this situation changed in this ten years or so after I graduated.

    And if you’re actually an ALT as you say in a reply, I recommend you do not talk about this with your bosses, cause eventually, they just fire you or send you away.

  11. Even in Japan this is considered child abuse and is illegal. There’s been a very big push recently to crack down on this sort of thing. Unfortunately most schools and older teachers choose to be ignorant of this because they don’t want the fuss and will cross their fingers they won’t go too far or get noticed/called out before that teacher quits or retires.


  12. You should record this thing. School teacher association is a one big corruption. They tend to hide these scandals. Reporting the school admin is the best order to do this and you should try it first. Don’t forget to upload the record if he won’t deal with it.

  13. Next time he does it don’t scream or shout at him but pitch your tone so that everyone can hear it and calmly ask him why he is such an inadequate human being that he feels the need to shout at young children. Ask him if it makes him feel important berating small kids and if his life is so empty that is the only way he can validate himself. Tell him that real adults try to support young folk and although they may need guidance from time to time and only utter failures in life behave as he is.

    Don’t be openly insulting but there are plenty of ways to humiliate someone in front of their peers without giving them ammunition to have you sacked.

  14. My husband used to be an elementary school teacher and because there are very few male elementary teachers, the female teachers would always ask him to discipline students because “male teachers are scarier.” Sounds like this guy let it go to his head, but male teachers are often expected or demanded to yell at students who aren’t their own by female teachers. It’s extremely toxic and many male teachers leave because of this environment.

  15. You watched a grown man scream at and belittle little girls and it affected You so much you had to go and sit at your desk instead of doing literally anything to reassure the children?

  16. i hate to be ‘that’ person, but i think you mean drill ‘sergeant’ from full metal jacket. and…. i’ve met crazier teachers that never were punished. just keep being yourself because those students don’t have a bad perception of you or English… they have a bad perception of that teacher. have a great day!

  17. What, you want the other teachers to swoop in and tackle the angry teacher? Cause a bigger scene? Guaranteed, things are being discussed behind the scenes. Just because you don’t see any kind of disciplinary action doesn’t mean there isn’t any.

  18. I’ve seen this also. I work at multiple schools in Japan & there’s always that one teacher who is always unnecessary screaming at students.
    I’ve expressed concern to coworkers but have always been told there’s nothing I can do. 😓

  19. The only question I have, not that it excuses the behavior, but it is relevant to what you do from now, is… how much Japanese can you understand/speak? The vagueness with which you present what the teacher was yelling at them is the reason for this question.

    If you can speak Japanese at a decent level, speak with the vice principal. If you can’t, try to speak with the teacher who is the best at speaking English.

    Anyhow, don’t expect too much in either case, but definitely bring it up.

  20. Sounds like abuse. Would report. Had a teacher like that that I worked with. Pretty certain she got arrested due to inflicting trauma on students. That’s VERY rare. But doesn’t need to be.

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