Highest level of education you have?

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  1. I would like to know if this is only for the people who are teaching in Japan now. If so, I can’t vote, but I would want to know the results.

  2. Technically, I have an EdD, not a PhD – but that distinction really only matters to grad students (so you can tease the other camp of students). Also worth noting is that getting my MA (before the EdD) totally helped me get a much better job. Getting the doctorate . . . not so much. The doctorate was more for me than for my career.

  3. 2 MAs. First one came with my BA, second one in TEFL.

    The second one showed me I really didn’t want to do a PhD 😉

  4. MA and then some, sort of like ABD.

    I differ from some in that I got my MA in ’81, and after a couple other places started here in ’85, a different world. An MA then was maybe more unique than a PhD is now.

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