Made an App that will give you a Personalized Japanese Learning Plan

こんにちは皆さん!A while ago we made a post talking about this new feature we were rolling out – using an AI to practice real-world scenarios ([\_a\_web\_app\_to\_practice\_japanese\_with\_an\_ai/](


🔗 Website: [](


We did some beta testing and started to expand what we’ve been building…we’re excited to announce that Iago is launching a mobile-first Japanese trainer!


>📝 Iago’s Weekly Regimen: Your Week-by-Week PlanIago will take in your interests & goals with Japanese and will curate a personalized weekly plan for you.
>1️⃣ We’ll collaborate with you and pick 15-50 words & grammar points for you to learn in a week (you can let us know the words / grammar you already know).
>2️⃣ We’ll suggest you videos & TV shows (and soon other types of content) to let you see these words / grammar in action (utilizing our Chrome Extension – [](
>3️⃣ Immerse you in conversational practice where you can use these words & grammar
>4️⃣ And finally, give you an end of week evaluation where we can recalibrate what you should study for next week.


Say for example, if you’re looking to get to an N3 / conversational fluency and you’re interested in cooking, then we’ll try to find shows / videos that talk about cooking so you can not only learn words / grammar aligned to your interests but also get closer to your goal!I’ve been learning Japanese for a couple of years now (fueled by my love for anime), but struggled to find a way to better incorporate the shows I watch into my studies.


Additionally, it was hard to get actual conversational practice without a tutor.With this, we wanted to roll everything in one, where you can get a personalized plan fueled by real-world immersion with TV shows / videos & real-world conversational practice using AI.


👀 The Accuracy of AI

We’ve been working with LLMs for quite a few months now, and it’s obvious that they aren’t at the level to “replicate a human being”. So over the past couple of months, we’ve worked with a lot of native Japanese speakers to improve the accuracy of our scenarios / conversations. The AI might make mistakes here and there, so we’ll be doing our best to keep on improving. It is really exciting to me that we’re on the verge of using technology to get conversational practice


!🔜 Join the Waitlist

We haven’t officially launched yet, but we’re looking to roll out our first cohort in the coming weeks! **We also wanted to let people know ahead of time that this will be a paid product.**

*But as an early user you’ll definitely get a discount :)* (We’ll most likely let you try it for **free** to see if you like it, and if not then we’ll go back to the drawing board)

So if you’re interested, sign up for our waitlist and we’d love to have you try it out!

Website: [](


You can find us on Discord – if you have any issues, feature requests, or just want to talk about your favorite shows, come join us!

Discord Link: [](


As always, よろしくお願いします!


Alex 🦜

1 comment
  1. Sorry but I sincerely stopped reading on “AI”; I’m not willing to let an AI to teach me, I’d like real humans that actually know the language doing the lessons instead.

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