Cheap and fun things to do on weekends?

I just moved to Japan recently. Pretty much all I have been doing on the weekends have been walking around and visiting some restaurants for a few hours on Saturday and spend the rest of Saturday and Sunday at home. It’s getting old and boring so I want to find something new to do. Any advice?

  1. drop a pin to some station 10-15km away and walk there. take train back.

    lookup interesting live music events on Twitter and go there (this might not be very cheap)

    get a hobby

    hang out with friends, maybe doing any of the things above together

  2. Some things I like to indulge in

    * sento/sauna
    * running a longer distance since I have the time. Usually I try to make it to a nicer running spot via bike (riversides are nice)
    * go to a 体育館 and challenge random people in badminton/volleyball/table-tennis. Always a great fun and extremely cheap compared to where I’m from
    * hiking (a lot of nice places are accessible via train and make for a good weekend trip. I recommend kumotori if you’re more experienced or kanazawa if not)
    * go listen to some live music. I guarantee there’s a venue near where you live and you should check it out at least once
    * do some food prep for the coming week
    * go see movies before the western fans can (works only if you understand japanese, or just see western films)

    All of the above is more fun if done with friends, but also all of the activities may result in making new ones.

  3. collect 御朱印! sure it’s not the cheapest thing activity ever (300 ~ 500 yen each) but i enjoy it a lot.

  4. Grab some Zeroes and and hang out in front of the station. You will make new ”friends” and be part of the crew.

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