Product(s) to babyproof door hinges and jambs

My little one is starting to monkey around with the door hinges and it’s driving me crazy. We are really careful about opening and closing doors and I have wiped the hinges off of excess grease but I still want to find a product to cover them and the jamb. I could only find one product on Amazon, but it was kind of expensive and the reviews weren’t great. I have seen some accordion covers at kindergartens when I worked in Korea, but I can’t find them here. Anyone know where I can find something?

  1. These products are readily available at Toys r us in Japan and I believe you can find them on Amazon.

    The foam padding to go on sharp edges/corners are also available at many home centers and much less expensive than toys r us.

    Speaking from personal experience, these additions to doors and sharp edges/corners are just more interesting stuff for your kid to pull on. We did avoid a few head bumps on some sharp corners but it was a constant battle to keep the foam on.

  2. We have found that we didn’t really need foam covers for our kids.

    However, if you have a mini fridge or your kids have easy access to your refrigerator I would highly recommend buying locks for those. You will want them.

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