“no evaluation please” from Yahoo Auctions seller

Bought some cheap music gear (less than 1000円) on Yahoo Auctions yesterday. The message from the seller says he’ll ship the item tomorrow, but “評価は無しでお願いします。”

I’ve never seen this before. Any idea why someone wouldn’t want a rating?

  1. For Yahoo Auction the only way to see a user’s past listings is through evaluations. If there’s no evaluation there is basically no record of the transaction at least on the surface.

    So if the seller wants to keep their past listings discrete they would ask that they don’t get evaluated. This could be for privacy reasons (it can be easy to guess someone’s lifestyle or family composition through their listings), not wanting to look like an obvious reseller (buying a bunch of something and listing them for a higher price), or simply not wanting to risk diluting their already perfect rating

  2. Vaguely related but I’ve recently started using Rakuma and I had no idea that sellers can just delete comments as they please. A seller deleted my (in my opinion) polite comment asking for more information on the condition of the item being sold. Is this common practice on auction sites? I was unaware.

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