Religious slurs

Does anyone know whether Japanese people use religious slurs?

  1. As a general practice during daily communication? Uh, no.

    What kind of feedback were you seeking with a post like this?

  2. Non Japanese, so my understanding is limited, and I could have misunderstood, but to the best of my understanding, Japan really doesn’t do religion, at least not in the way that the word is used in English. If we’re trying to be accurate, you could describe what they have as superstitious traditions, but you have to scrape the negative connotation off of the phrase, as there is no stigma associated with it. It’s just sort of a thing you do, like grocery shopping.

  3. In Greek there are several slurs that refer to holy figures. Slurs that translate to f*ck your Holy Mary or your God or your cross or whatever else you can think of are very common.

  4. 「畜生(ちくしょう)!」is the only thing I can think of.
    It’s originally a Buddhism term but today we say it randomly when we get frustrated. It’s not obvious, so if you don’t know the word origin then you won’t notice it’s religious.

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