Japan work visa : what if YouTuber income starts to exceed the 200k limit?

Hey guys,
I’m making YouTube videos at the moment.
My channel isn’t generating money so this is purely hypothetical.
What if the channel starts going well and the income generated surpasses the side income limit of 200k?
What would be the options from that point on?
I don’t think there’s much information online about it. I had a look.
Any insight would be great.
Thank you

  1. You’d need to file your taxes yourself at that point.

    Also, make sure whatever status of residence you’re on allows you to be earning money for that.

  2. If you’re on a work visa yielding income from
    YouTube videos then You should be getting permission from
    Immigration to do YouTube as a means of yielding income because there is no “YouTube visa” (unless maybe the entertainer visa?)

    Additionally the “¥200,000 income tax exemption” is for income tax only and is for those who have no reason to
    File a final tax return. Should you utilize this income tax exemption then you still need to file a resident tax return because no such exemption exists for resident tax

    TLDR: making under “¥200,000” is an irrelevant figure for both your status of residency (visa) and taxes (because a resident tax return is still required). So make sure you have the immigration rights to make YouTube videos which yield money, and make sure you correctly declare your taxes

  3. Ask Pewdiepie, Gimmeaflake, and any other J-vlogger. More than half of them probably keep it hush hush.

  4. Realistically ask yourself how long you are gonna be here?
    For one if its outside of japan and not remittance to japan and you have been here less than 5 years although kind of grey, nobody is going to look or know. You can treat it like a savings till you leave.

    If you want to be a good boy(unlike most japanese in your situation who avoid taxes like crazy) then report every cent.

  5. It’s interesting, you’d think there’s no benefit to being resident. He could have a holiday home and come and go at he pleased.

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