Kishida unveils gist of new economic package as support for his government dwindles

Kishida unveils gist of new economic package as support for his government dwindles

  1. He just list things that are the “problems”, after months, it’s still zero solutions, zero executable actions, yahoo poll indicates 96% “nothing to hope for”, same result from a couple of months.

  2. Funny how keeping the yen low to boost exports and increase the profits of the richest corporations leaves a revenue gap to fund things to make it easier and more affordable for working class people to have kids.

  3. I mean, the 5 points he’s gesturing at all seem nice but, it looks like a letter to father Christmas. Just shit he’d like, and that will make the populace happy. How are they actually intending to achieve any of this?

    Protect the populace from rising prices? How? What does that even mean?

    Sustainable wage growth, better incomes, revitalise areas that aren’t Tokyo? How? Are they going to force ALL companies to raise wages? Cut taxes? Force companies to set up in the sticks? Outside of minimum wage people’s salaries are even in a government’s wheelhouse, unless they’re intending to subsidize wages with tax.

    It’s all just fucking vapid unactionable nonsense, as always.

  4. All plans not actions. So japanese lol. Just what they do in my company lol. We have 2 hours meetings and at the end nothing is decided or done and they finish with “let’s have another meeting about this” lol

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