Taking bike inside apartment in UR apartments Japan


I have decided to buy a bicycle in Japan but I am not sure what are the rules about parking bikes in UR apartments.

As I live in UR apartments which has parking area but I would like to know if we can take a bike inside my house in UR apartment building using elevator. (I can’t speak Japanese yet so its hard for me to ask this in UR office )

  1. Go to your UR office and ask. Great experience instead of asking internet. “Bike… aparto… keep.. ok desu ka”

    Most don’t explicitly say you can’t keep your bicycle in your apartment, but some may.

  2. well if you plan to buy a folding bike then it should be okay i guess. my colleague who lives in UR apartment has one then just brings it inside.

  3. I don’t know if your UR apartment has special rules, but I used to keep a bike in a UR apartment in Osaka and never had any problem.

  4. URs are normally super lax. You just need to be careful of the nosey old people.
    Normally just don’t ask. Just ask forgiveness if it’s was against the rules.
    I have car tires and other car parts in my UR.
    No one cares. Just need to be careful on the elevators.

  5. It’s not the best advice, but do what your neighbors do and there won’t be any problems. Usually buildings have a problem with you taking bicycles in elevators, but I think you are within your rights to keep it inside your apartment.
    And then there are some URs, that have a common bike parking area on all floors, so you can keep them safe from theft/weather.
    So yeah, just figure out what your neighbors are doing in general.

  6. The UR apartment I’m currently at has a bike parking area/room in every floor. I don’t own a bike but I always see people with bikes in the elevators. This might not be applicable to your UR apartment though, so better ask your building manager…

  7. Kept my bikes inside mine when we lived in UR. Carrying it up to the fifth floor was a bigger hassle than anything, but never had issues with neighbors.

  8. > take a bike inside my house in UR apartment building using elevator.

    As for the elevator, avoid rush/busy hours. Where I worked, I’d use the elevator going up, but the back stairs going down (4th floor, six flights).

    As mentioned, depends on the bike–foldable, or lightweight road bike, or something with fenders/baskets/rack or not, etc.

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