hired on the spot… red flag?

hey guys, i recently moved to japan, i barely speak japanese, and i worked in live music back home. i applied to a bunch of venues and had an interview yesterday, and he(50?m) took me (22F) to the office in the venue and after less than 10 minutes of an “interview” i was hired. i really can’t speak japanese that well so the questions were super basic like where i live, what my skills were, and why i wanted to work there. my bf (who’s from japan) says this is a total red flag and i should be careful… but i’m not sure bc the music industry back home in canada is super relaxed as well. what should i do? should i accept it? is it sketchy?

  1. Depends on the job and the boss. My boss has extremely weird ways of choosing candidates as well. If he likes your vibe he’ll hire you the day of and if he doesn’t he’ll end the interview in like 2 minutes

  2. Yeah depends on the job entirely. Could be they need a foreigner to deal with selling tickets to other foreigners lol

  3. This is a huge red flag…unless you’re doing venue work…even I had to go through the whole audition and interview process to get a record contract here in Japan and my talent level meant a contract was virtually guaranteed unless they simply didn’t want to deal with a foreigner.

    Not to mention, hiring a lawyer to make sure they didn’t fuck me in the contract…

  4. If it’s working at a venue it doesn’t really surprise me. Checking tickets/taking “drink money” at the door, herding people in and out, cleaning… all the little basement venues I go to seem super casual and filled with misfits who don’t seem like they’d fit into normal Japanese work culture at all lol

  5. Lol, who posts this without mentioning what the actual job is? Not sure how any meaningful advice is expected…

  6. Most likely this job will not pay well and will not give you insurance of any kind to help you with your wisdom tooth problem or ADHD meds. Please don’t jeopardize your health just for the sake of being in Japan.

    Also, can you work on capitalizing the first letter of your sentences? That will be the first step in helping you get a better job.

  7. Both my partner and I have been hired in the spot for our jobs. It was suspicious to us at the time, but it turned out to be fine. Definitely confirm the terms before you start. My company tried to lower my wage slightly (small enough amount it could have been a miscommunication) but I caught it in the paperwork and it was all straightened out.

    Good luck!

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