Shipping boxes to my new apartment with Japan Post?

Hi all, moving out of my current apartment tomorrow and should be moved into my new apartment by the day after that.

I hope to fit everything into my car, but in case I can’t is it possible to mail some boxes from my old address to my new address with JP?

I’m not sure what they’d think if the name on the addressee is the same as the sender.

  1. Yes, you can do that. I did that once when moving to a new place last year

  2. Yes, i did this when i moved the first time. The second time i used Yamato because they can come to pick up the boxes (need to book online and register the number of boxes though)

  3. Yup you can do this, I did this earlier this year. If you bring them yourself to the post office and tell them you’re shipping multiple boxes to a same location, they’ll give you discounts.

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