Reflective paint (roll shutters)

Hello everyone,

It’s summer again. We have roll shutters (3*2.2m) for our large living and dining room windows which we use to keep it as cool as possible.

The problem is that those are kind of old aluminum (?) shutters in a dark color. They absorb the heat and transfer it perfectly to our double gazed aluminum windows, which radiate the heat inside.

Now the idea was to paint the shutters with kind of an IR/solar reflective paint.
I don’t have much experience here and wanted to ask if someone has some knowledge or did such thing?
Or if someone can recommend where to buy such paint?

Alternatives are also welcome. Changing windows and frames are currently not an option due to cost.

  1. This seems like a post about shopping, maybe your question is solved by [the wiki page](

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  2. Flat white is a really good and cheap option with anything that has to do with reflecting light. You can probably buy cheap flat white paint and repaint every spring.

    Source: I like to grow cactus and read some of the stuff written by u/SuperAngryGuy

  3. 100yen shop bamboo screens do the trick nicely. Finding out a way to hang them outside in front of the windows shouldn’t cost too much creativity.

  4. There’s a product from Kansai Paint called AlesCool (アレスクール) it’s designed for exteriors but I don’t know how well it would hold up on roller shutters as there’s a lot more movement and abrasion. But that’s where I’d start out, but maybe run some sand paper over the shutters first to help with adhesion

  5. Have you considered a filter film for the windows? It’ll block all of the UV and more of the infrared to reduce the heat coming in without substantially darkening the visible light. Only downside is they can be difficult to install perfectly without little bubbles (think smartphone screen protector).

    Combo this with white curtains/paint/etc, and you’ll be in good shape.

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